I pretty much agree with everything you wrote, although I didn't mind not having an inventory or the new reloading thing you have to do.
I liked all of the NPCs, but was completely let down by Jacob. I didn't like the way that Shepard came on to him from the minute she opened her mouth (the voice acting there was unusually bad for Jen Hale), and he seemed kinda put off by it. I did think it was cool how he was into Miranda. I was really hoping that something would happen between the two of them.
I liked Jack - or rather, I thought she was kinda interesting. I thought her loyalty quest was one of the best in the game because of the whole unreliable narrator thing going on. The fem!Shep/Jack relationship almost progresses into something interesting, but then she just clams up on you which is kinda disappointing. Not that I would expect for Shepard to be BFF with Jack, but i thought there was a lot of lost character potential there.
I romanced Garrus instead of Thane (I'll have to try Thane sometime). I have to say that I thought it was well done. Maybe it's because it's on the heels of Dragon Age and Alistair, but Batman!Garrus worked well for me. Not really true love forever, but more like two horny friends that get hot for each other. And the fact that they don't let the PC off the hook with the biological differences is kinda cool.
Mordin was totally my favorite of the noobs though. Definitely the best new character in the game. Loved Joker and Tali (you get to give her a hug - how d'awww was that?) and Dr. Chakwas.
The only thing I really hated about the game is the whole Renegade = super scars and glowy red eyes. WTF is up with that shit?
Yeah, I'm a replay addict but just canNOT bring myself to romance Jacob because of the whole on-the-prowl vibe from Shepard. "Forthright" fits her personality quite well; "hi, let me smirk and lean seductively on tables while chatting up somebody I met a couple days ago while recovering from BEING DEAD", not so much. Agree with you about the voice acting; as good as Jennifer Hale is and as much as the voices overall knocked me on my ass, I am boggled at how clumsy that one part seemed.
And yeah, I would've loved to see some more Jack/femShepard stuff. I am a sucker for female-friendship stories and the amount you can find canonically is vanishingly small. And you can't go looking for it fic-wise without drowning in a sea of badly-written femmeslash...
Yeah, is it just me or do guys keep getting boned in the romance dept? I mean, in Dragon Age... well, I guess Dragon Age isn't a good example because they were all ridiculous.
But in ME1, they had xenophobic hick who tried to tell you how to do your job no matter the regs or how many times you told her to shut up or the barely-legal shut in. In ME2, they have Miranda, Jack or Tali. I watched them on youtube.
Jack, it smacks of Shepard being all, "you're safe now" and it squicked the hell out of me because there's no way she could consent to that, she's too screwed up. You don't offer a healing hand to someone mentally unstable and then insert penis.
Miranda's was more of a, "Congratulations, I've decided you're good enough for me." So if there was an option to do her and then tell her something like, "you were good enough to do, but that's it." maybe it would have more appeal.
Tali's was cute. And Kelly is a super freak regardless of gender.
Garrus and Thane are both good choices depending on your tastes. I'm still horrified at Shepard's come ons to Jacob, though.
Yeah the male!Sheps get the short end of the stick for both ME 1&2. I didn't like either Liara or Ashley (whom I never seem to be able to let survive Virmire). Miranda seems okay (but come on, she totally needs to hook up with Jacob instead), but kinda typical and boring. Jack seems so utterly fucked up, and I can't stand the magical unicorn healing sex fantasy that her romance seems to be.
Maybe it's karmic payback though for giving women Anomen as their only romance choice in BG2.
Tali's on the other hand seems pretty sweet and cute. I think I may have to suck it up and play a dude!Shep game just for that. That is, if I can figure out how to make a dude!Shep that doesn't look like an inbred hick. But first I have to try out Thane, I think. And one Shepard is going to have to stick with Kaidan, because even though I like Garrus better and I'm kinda pissed at his reaction on Horizon, I still have a soft spot for Mr. Alenko.
I liked all of the NPCs, but was completely let down by Jacob. I didn't like the way that Shepard came on to him from the minute she opened her mouth (the voice acting there was unusually bad for Jen Hale), and he seemed kinda put off by it. I did think it was cool how he was into Miranda. I was really hoping that something would happen between the two of them.
I liked Jack - or rather, I thought she was kinda interesting. I thought her loyalty quest was one of the best in the game because of the whole unreliable narrator thing going on. The fem!Shep/Jack relationship almost progresses into something interesting, but then she just clams up on you which is kinda disappointing. Not that I would expect for Shepard to be BFF with Jack, but i thought there was a lot of lost character potential there.
I romanced Garrus instead of Thane (I'll have to try Thane sometime). I have to say that I thought it was well done. Maybe it's because it's on the heels of Dragon Age and Alistair, but Batman!Garrus worked well for me. Not really true love forever, but more like two horny friends that get hot for each other. And the fact that they don't let the PC off the hook with the biological differences is kinda cool.
Mordin was totally my favorite of the noobs though. Definitely the best new character in the game. Loved Joker and Tali (you get to give her a hug - how d'awww was that?) and Dr. Chakwas.
The only thing I really hated about the game is the whole Renegade = super scars and glowy red eyes. WTF is up with that shit?
And yeah, I would've loved to see some more Jack/femShepard stuff. I am a sucker for female-friendship stories and the amount you can find canonically is vanishingly small. And you can't go looking for it fic-wise without drowning in a sea of badly-written femmeslash...
But in ME1, they had xenophobic hick who tried to tell you how to do your job no matter the regs or how many times you told her to shut up or the barely-legal shut in. In ME2, they have Miranda, Jack or Tali. I watched them on youtube.
Jack, it smacks of Shepard being all, "you're safe now" and it squicked the hell out of me because there's no way she could consent to that, she's too screwed up. You don't offer a healing hand to someone mentally unstable and then insert penis.
Miranda's was more of a, "Congratulations, I've decided you're good enough for me." So if there was an option to do her and then tell her something like, "you were good enough to do, but that's it." maybe it would have more appeal.
Tali's was cute. And Kelly is a super freak regardless of gender.
Garrus and Thane are both good choices depending on your tastes. I'm still horrified at Shepard's come ons to Jacob, though.
Maybe it's karmic payback though for giving women Anomen as their only romance choice in BG2.
Tali's on the other hand seems pretty sweet and cute. I think I may have to suck it up and play a dude!Shep game just for that. That is, if I can figure out how to make a dude!Shep that doesn't look like an inbred hick. But first I have to try out Thane, I think. And one Shepard is going to have to stick with Kaidan, because even though I like Garrus better and I'm kinda pissed at his reaction on Horizon, I still have a soft spot for Mr. Alenko.
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