You can tell my little brother and I are related not only by how we look, but by the ridiculously corny sense of humor we share.
ichorid: i have 2008 songs on itunes
ichorid: which is the year
ichorid: so i've decided i must be the messaiah
ichorid: and my friend is gonna be the pope
ichorid: and we're gonna establish a religous state and try and become an empire
ichorid: and with our combined strength we will conquer antartica
ichorid: and from there we will invade those countries that are so far south in africa that no one even knows what they're called
satinbasilisk: cool
satinbasilisk: can i be the ministress of biological study?
ichorid: sure
satinbasilisk: all twisted to support the fact that you're the messiah, of course.
ichorid: of course
ichorid: yeah we decided that africa is fscked up enough that if we just started fixing things up people would follow us
ichorid: and the jonian religion will give them renewed hope
ichorid: and me an army of zealots
ichorid: preferably guerrilla zealots
ichorid: and you can train the cheetahs as "cats of war"
ichorid: cause cheetahs are sweet as hell
satinbasilisk: you'll have to let me bring the population back to strength, develop enough diversity
satinbasilisk: and then genetically engineer them to be bigger so you can ride them.
ichorid: yeah
satinbasilisk: ooh, hyenas would be great for that
ichorid: but hyenas are smaller
satinbasilisk: not after I mess with their DNA.
ichorid: oh
ichorid: true dat
satinbasilisk: Just leave it to me
satinbasilisk: i'll make you all the pretty war beasts you want
ichorid: my jondian zealot guerilla genetically modified hyena riding warriors shall conquer africa!
satinbasilisk: if you make John Minister of Robotics, he'll build you a robot army that can go in there and kick ass while you relax with your hyenas.
ichorid: or
ichorid: robot turrets that are on TOP of the hyenas
satinbasilisk: yes!
satinbasilisk: he and I will combine our genius to make cybernetic organisms
satinbasilisk: like Terminators, only cooler
ichorid: remotely opperated by zealot guerrilla technicians
satinbasilisk: zealot guerrilla technicians
satinbasilisk: that's a good one
satinbasilisk: i like that
ichorid: hahaha
satinbasilisk: hell
satinbasilisk: let me at the elephants and THEN we'll have some destructive animals
ichorid: elephants aren't very...guerrilla
satinbasilisk: well, no
ichorid: it's not like, easy to hide one
ichorid: the enemy will be like
ichorid: look at that unusually fat and tall bush
satinbasilisk: HAHAHA
ichorid: the elephants COULD have lazers on their tusks though
satinbasilisk: indeed.
satinbasilisk: And maybe they could have rockets too, and be Flying Dumbos of Disaster
ichorid: oh in U of M
ichorid: apparently they made a laser and the prof is like
ichorid: imagine if you did that thing with the magnifying glass that burns ants
ichorid: but take all the sunlight that's hitting the earth and concentrate it into one point
ichorid: and that begins to approach the power of this laser
ichorid: we'll have THOSE on their tusks
satinbasilisk: YEA!
ichorid: hahahahah har har
satinbasilisk: ooh, but if you want guerilla, we should definitely make some war gorillas
satinbasilisk: guerilla gorillas!
satinbasilisk: ha!
ichorid: zealot cybernetic genetically modified guerrilla gorrlias?
ichorid: i likes it
ichorid: keep this up and we can name a province after you
satinbasilisk: sweeeet.
ichorid: haha
satinbasilisk: to support them i'll add roving units of cybernetically enhanced, aggression
amplified chimpanzees
satinbasilisk: it will be the unstoppable monkey army
ichorid: that dog is in charge of my personal armada
satinbasilisk: he doesn't even look like he could swim.
ichorid: haha
satinbasilisk: until i HYBRIDIZE HIM WITH A KILLER WHALE
ichorid: HAH