(no subject)

May 06, 2006 21:46

It's not that hard. Thoretically, I will be done with everything by Monday. And then I will have 5 stress free days until graduation, in which I will interview for the 2 unpaid internships and one paid job which I hope will be filling up my summer. And then I will graduate, with my A.A. which dosn't mean all that much...but it is my first graduation since 6th grade, seeing as I was in france while I was supposed to be graduating from highschool and everything...plus, dinner out at a resturant with the family. good stuff.

But anyway, before I can do that, I must:

Tonight: Write a draft of my 15 page Qualitative Research Methods study write-up.
As soon as frikin' posssible: Finish the 7 page french paper on Colette and all her crazy made up biographical stuff, plus extranious lovers and complicated marriages. This paper was due two weeks ago, WTF?
Before Monday at 9 a.m.: Study for my Endocrinology exam. This will be complicated as I am missing the notes from atleast 3 days of class...Important days, I am sure. damnit.
Before Monday at 5 p.m.: Expand 6 page French paper on Polygamy/Modernity and Mariama Ba into 15 page paper on the tradgedy of the in between generation...or something. Figure this out. Also kill all my terrible grammer mistakes.
Before Monday at midnight: Write final draft of Qual. research methods write-up.

In between writing papers: watch as many episodes of MASH as possible, because season 4 is due back at the library on Monday.
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