This time not worksafe, so you'll have to log in to Y!Gallery to see it. D:. If you don't have / don't want an account, let me know, I will be glad to stash it somewhere on with a password. Picked at this all throughout today. Sadly, the pencils were better, and I'd reworked it so much that I had eaten away the finish of the paper. Of course, I didn't realizing this until I tried to ink it with my Zigs and the ink bled... on Zayn's face. DOH. I inked the rest with a Zebra ballpoint pen. Zebras RULE. But of course my shitty ass combo piece of shit scanner couldn't pick up the ballpoint pen right, so the big (300dpi) version is kind of pootastic because it's all fuzzy and stuff. The screen version on Y!Gallery is just fine.
I'm contemplating coloring this. What do you think?