So I'd been feeling particularly dismal after finding someone put one of my covers up for a horrid cover contest (it didn't win, thank god, but it got some not-so-nice comments), but then I stumbled over this lovely blog entry by Hayden Thorne: I'm so happy she liked her cover enough to say so--and was awfully kind/flattering, too! *_* It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it makes it all worth it (for a month or two, at least ;P)
Reducing the number of covers I'm obligated to do has been shockingly freeing. I might drop down a little more, but... so far, all the covers I've done, I've put quite a bit of love into (yes yes, still grumbling, but I always grumble at deadlines), rather than feeling glum and uninspired. I'm surprised and, if you couldn't guess by the fact that I'm drawing for me again, quite delighted..