DATE: Day 94
nagasakivampire and Iason/
jupiters_goldenSTATUS: Closed, ongoing
SUMMARY: A meeting of like minds
LOCATION: Infirmary
It seemed like he ended up talking to a lot of people here in this room, where he worked and ignored the hassle of the collar around his neck while figuring out what might possibly deactivate it for long enough to set his plans in motion. As he'd told the man on the network, it made him feel like an endangered species being tracked and observed.
Learning of the arrival of Katze's master both amused and disappointed him. Watching them would tell him even more about the redhead, but it meant that Muraki couldn't use him for much of anything anymore. He'd have to be extra cautious from now on to eliminate any chance of needing security footage erased. Unless he could arrange to borrow him once in a while with enough carefully-chosen words to the new arrival.
Muraki prepared his supplies, adjusted his glasses, and waited for his newest patient to arrive. This could end up being quite the meeting.