I Fashioned You From Jewels and Stone. I Made You In the Image of Myself

Aug 03, 2009 15:56

DATE: Day 92
CHARACTER(S): L Lawliet and Near
STATUS: Closed and Ongoing.
SUMMARY: L meets his youngest and most dedicated successor. He is incredibly nervous about actually being human in front of someone who was raised to revere him, but he feels slightly more confident after speaking to Near and finding out that the young man has always taken a somewhat more practical approach to following in his footsteps.
LOCATION: Cabin 105

L had no children. He had never been interested or comfortable with the idea of being a father. There were some things that even Watari couldn't force him into doing, but there had never been any question that there would be a legacy, and there would be heirs. The fact that L's genetic material wasn't involved made no difference; the children at Wammy's were no less his.

L had never thought too much about developing relationships with the young ones lined up to inherit his name. They were shadows in the corners of his mind, waiting patiently for his insanity or death to make him unable to continue his work. They were insurance and backups, and a lovely reassurance to the still-young detective that, yes, he was a very bright light, but bulbs burned out eventually and needed to be replaced. L ran a long, bony hand through his disheveled hair, swallowing, shivering even though it wasn't cold. He was about to meet the young man who was possibly the brightest of these replacements; would he seem dim, dull, shabby in comparison?

He stood in front of Near's door, as he was. No mask, no shoes. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door, chewing his fingertip as if his life depended on it.

†l lawliet

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