
Jul 01, 2009 20:28

DATE: Day 83
CHARACTER(S): mongrelpet and kit_katze
STATUS: Close/Incomplete
SUMMARY: While people are still mourning at the memorial service, Katze and Riki deal with things the way any good Amoi native does, with alcohol and sex! .... Minus the sex. Includes, home-made alcohol and some possible bonding and/or bitch fighting. Who knows with them.
LOCATION: Katze's ( Read more... )

katze, †riki

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kit_katze July 2 2009, 20:21:27 UTC
Katze answered the door quickly. He was too used to rules, used to the fact that the door could only be left for so long before a Furniture was punished. It had been years since that was the case and even that remained. It was as though when an Elite sank his claws into you, he never really let go. It was a poison that stayed in your blood until you died. Which, admittedly, was usually sooner rather than later. Katze was old for a mongrel. He hadn't lived this long by being foolish.

He nodded to Riki, that same half smile on his lips that seemed ever present. It could mean anything from being amused at Riki's antics to bitter over the fact that his Master had loved Riki more.

The redhead reached for a pack of cigarettes that weren't there, sighing again. "Certain things will have to be taken into account due to the fact we're in space but I think this plan has potential." Right down to business.


mongrelpet July 2 2009, 21:07:34 UTC
Riki nodded. "It it was easy it wouldn't be as much fun," he said. It was something that he would have been certain about when he was younger, but now his words were bland, tired almost. He had once enjoyed going around the law and breaking it openly, but that had been before.

"Where should we start?" He managed not be unnerved by Katze's expression. Something about the fact that the guy hadn't really changed towards in his interactions towards him. He also didn't mind taking orders from Katze, he had gotten used to it working with him in the Market.


kit_katze July 2 2009, 21:13:39 UTC
Katze considered. "We need a private area. Somewhere unlikely to be disturbed. I would suggest under a bed but if something is to go wrong..." He shrugged. "I doubt either of us want to go up in flames."

Amber eyes glanced around the room. "Maybe the first thing would be to locate equipment. Things that won't be missed, then we'll decide where they fit." He was slowly getting the hang of this again. He was used to havving too many agents to do his bidding and now he actually had to work at the menial tasks rather than just instruct in them.


mongrelpet July 2 2009, 21:16:48 UTC
"Do you know where we can get them? The kitchen is off limits isn't it? Has anyone ever broken in?" They could also try the shopping center for some of the basic supplies. He got the feeling that it wouldn't be that hard to track down the equipment, they would just have to get creative.


kit_katze July 3 2009, 01:46:07 UTC
"You could always volunteer for kitchen staff. I don't think they check credentials." Despite the fact that Katze probably knew a good deal more about cooking than Riki did or ever would. He'd served meals in his life, after all. The same couldn't be said for a former Pet.

"Otherwise I think we can improvise." And if it didn't work, it wasn't the end of the world.


mongrelpet July 3 2009, 05:00:20 UTC
Riki couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. "Oh yeah, I could," he said, more amused than offended by the suggestion. He had no experience at all at that, had no experience to speak of outside of Bison, the Market and being a Pet. Somehow stealing things seemed easier than working in the kitchen.


kit_katze July 5 2009, 02:03:04 UTC
"It would be faster. And you'd get paid for it." Katze trying to go honest? A bit. More to feel out the nature of this place before making any commitment that might get him into trouble. It wasn't like he could disappear into the slums here or take a little trip off planet.

"I'll need to do a little research but it shouldn't prove too complicated an art. It's been years since I've seen it, however."


mongrelpet July 5 2009, 19:08:31 UTC
Riki considered the idea a moment. Having a job would actually give him something to do. It was kind of wrong that they were planning on using things in there without permission, but if he didn't get caught then he would have something to do with his days. There was a time that his pride wouldn't have allowed him to even think about doing something like that.

"Alright," he said finally. "I will."


kit_katze July 6 2009, 19:59:04 UTC
"There's a good boy." Katze smirked at him but turned his face away quickly before Riki got too furious at him. He pulled out a bit of paper where he'd begun compiling a list...he was nothing if not efficient. "If we get it relatively slowly we shouldn't raise any suspicion. But then the supplies isn't very dangerous. It's not as though we're getting what we need to build a bomb."

A few of the things on his list made him frown. But he could always found a way. "So how are you holding up?"


mongrelpet July 6 2009, 20:08:54 UTC
Riki would have yelled at Katze if the red head hadn't so skillfully changed the subject. Instead he just crossed his arms and glared, biting back his tongue. Instead of trying to retort to the comment, Riki moved forward and looked down at the list, trying to make sure that Katze didn't forget anything. He figured that he wouldn't though, considering how thorough he was.

"Holding up?" he frowned at the question, really not sure how to answer it.


kit_katze July 6 2009, 21:01:35 UTC
"Surviving" Katze elaborated. "Existing." He handed the list off to Riki so he could have a better look at it. "It's quite a change. A culture shock at least and even worse for someone who has never been off planet before."


mongrelpet July 6 2009, 21:05:16 UTC
Riki hadn't really allowed himself to really think about those things. He shrugged, still unsure how to answer the question. He wasn't having problems but part of that was because he wasn't really having to deal with anything.

"I hate my roommate," he commented. "That's the only complaint."


kit_katze July 6 2009, 21:09:42 UTC
"I never see my roommate," Katze countered. "I'd offer to room with you but then I'd probably wake up to you over me with a pillow." Mongrels didn't live well without personal space. Katze certainly was waiting for the insanity of not having his apartment to set in.

"Glad to see no symptoms of space madness have developed," He commented, teasing a little bit. "Then we might have to put you down."


mongrelpet July 6 2009, 21:14:38 UTC
"It's possible." Riki said with a grunt. His mind flashed with the possibility of attempting to kill his current roommate. It probably wasn't worth the hassle. He ignored Katze's comments about 'putting him down' completely. Madness or not, he got the feeling that Katze would do everything he could to protect him, if only so that if Iason ever did appear...

He shrugged, forcing away the thought of that possibility. He didn't want to ever rely on the idea that Katze would back him up if something happened. He mostly wanted to just be left alone.

"I'll get a kitchen job and we'll make the stuff in here, right?"


kit_katze July 6 2009, 21:22:06 UTC
"Of course. Put me in harm's way should the shit we make be flammable. Completely understandable," Katze replied. But he didn't mind all that much. If you could sleep with grenades or any other unstable weapon nearby, you could sleep with booze.

"Maybe you'll enjoy it. Maybe you have a culinary prowess we don't know about."


mongrelpet July 6 2009, 21:30:41 UTC
Riki gave Katze an odd look, a ghost of smile on his lips. "Make sure what we make isn't that dangerous, then." He wasn't completely tossing Katze's life in danger. He thought between the two of them they could actually make something that wouldn't kill anyone and he figured that Katze wasn't actually scared for anything.

"Or I could end up poisoning us all."


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