DATE: Day 82, after the zombies are gone
nagasakivampire and Riki/
mongrelpetSTATUS: Closed, in progress
SUMMARY: Some people are best not met in person
LOCATION: Media center
Thankfully, the zombies hadn't managed to injure anyone in their activities onboard the ship. Muraki was supposed to be working, but he'd decided that a small break from being on the alert for two days straight was in order. If anyone needed him, they could get his attention over the ship's network and he'd be there as fast as possible.
He made his way to the media center to grab some books to kill time with. Muraki paused outside it when a teenage girl asked him if he dyed his hair. The question amused him, as it always did, and light glinted off of it when he explained that all of his coloring was completely natural. Well, as natural as genetic engineering could be considered.