DATE: Day 74, morning
CHARACTER(S): Kazutaka Muraki/
nagasakivampire and Laura Roslin/
airlocknowSTATUS: Closed, in progress
SUMMARY: Laura doesn't feel dead and Muraki's curious enough to examine her
LOCATION: Infirmary
He still didn't know why his recovery from those burns hadn't left a mark on him, but Tsuzuki's stab before his arrival still marked his stomach as a constant reminder of the first time supernatural fire had tried to eat away at him.
Whatever the cause, he was still alive and working, despite the new collar around his neck that marked him as not-quite human. Muraki had been engineered; he knew that and now the crew did as well. He flipped through notes of what he'd missed in his absence and waited for the new woman - Laura - to arrive. Her case was even stranger than his. At least he'd only thought he'd died. She knew she had before her appearance here.