I ain't got a gat but I gotta soldering gun

May 12, 2009 20:17

DATE: Day 69, afternoon
CHARACTER(S): Watari/kansaikami and Matt/binary_addict
STATUS: closed, in progress
SUMMARY: The geeks finally have a face to face conversation
LOCATION: Media Center

Unfortunately, Watari was now back to his proper body. He found himself missing the female features more than he'd expected and wasn't sure what they said about him. Was that earlier thought about what he really was the truth, or had he simply enjoyed the chance to dress up for two days and see the stunned reactions on everyone else's posts and the discussions they'd had.

Eventually, he swore, the machine would work properly and he'd be the only one to change sex as he pleased. For now, though, he'd be careful not to run into the people who seemed the most upset by the changes they'd experienced.

Watari left the simulation he'd started up in his lab and wandered off to the media center to try and find another technical manual to help him adjust that program once he had yet another batch of data to compile. Once he went home, he swore that Meifu would have the best computer that he could make after learning 504 years of advances in programming and hardware design. The new programming language he had to learn still swam around in his mind when he closed his eyes. Learning these new things was better than what other scientists were doing in their corners of the labs.

He didn't expect to see anyone familiar there, and in fact seemed a bit distracted as he attempted to find the right books. Someone talking to him would probably make him jump a bit.

†yutaka watari, †mail "matt" jeevas

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