DATE: Day 67 (morning)
dailyplaneteer); Jan (
STATUS: Closed | Incomplete
SUMMARY: OH HO HO HO genderfuck time.
LOCATION: Cabin 202
Things had been a little strange for Clark lately already. Ever since he'd taken the cure for the power malfunction, he'd noticed his powers were not quite as strong as normal; understandable, of course, but also a little annoying in that somehow in spite of that, he continued to want to take more. Addictive stuff, it seemed like. Luckily, Clark's sensibilities didn't allow him to spend his money on something that frivolous, so his side-effects from it had slowly begun to peter out.
Tonight, though, he still felt a bit off. Sleep was fitful, and he felt overheated... uncomfortable. If he were awake, he may have blamed it on a cold or something along those lines.
But at least he didn't feel nauseous anymore, and wasn't threatening to blast a hole in the ceiling if he opened his eyes.