I'll put up no resistance, I want to stay the distance

Apr 08, 2009 03:32

DATE: Day 61 (later in the day)
CHARACTER(S): Clark Kent [dailyplaneteer ], Mara Jade [emperorshand ].
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing.
SUMMARY: After the two of them take the cure, Mara tells Clark she needs help. Unfortunately, this cure has certain side-effects.
LOCATION: Cabin 400.

After he'd taken the medicinal cure, Clark felt the changes immediately. His powers died down, although he felt a little bit nauseous following. In fact, it seemed like it'd weakened his powers altogether, although he was still somewhat super-strong. But that wasn't important. Mara had taken it also, and it seemed...

Well. She asked him for her help. And she sounded bizarre. Different, anyway.

So Clark had left his cabin in something of a hurry, still somewhat apologetic regarding the incident with Jan's arm, but he had other priorities. It didn't take too long to get to her level. He could have gotten there faster if his super speed hadn't been sedated, but he didn't want to go too fast anyway. When he reached cabin 400, he rapped lightly on the door.

"Mara? Mara, are you alright? It's Clark, I'm here." 

†mara jade, †clark kent

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