~For just one moment~

Mar 31, 2009 07:39

DATE: Day 59
CHARACTER(S): Palpatine, Fruit Fucker 2000, Sister Esther Blanchett, Sora
STATUS: Abandoned
SUMMARY: Wendy enjoys placing Palps in awkward situations Palpatine takes a nap as a kitten but will wake up as a human. A NEKKID human.
LOCATION: The Gardens

Palpatine enjoyed the garden in his kitten form as much as he did in his human form. It was slightly warmer there, and there was grass to chew on! And birds to chase! He tore about the room, a little fuzzball of energy, and after wearing himself out thoroughly he flopped on the grass, snoozing contentedly.

He wasn't aware of the change occurring. He slept right through the spell transforming him back into a sixty-three-year-old human male. He just lay sprawled in the grass on his back, limbs extended carelessly, naked and oblivious.

palpatine, fruit fucker 2000, sister esther blanchett, †sora

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