DATE: Day 56
CHARACTER(S): Eddie Brock {
we_arevenom }; Spider-man {
piderman }; Tony Stark {
extremisshield }.
STATUS: Semi-open; ongoing
LOCATION: The labs.
Oh, Eddie should have expected this sooner or later. They really should have seen it coming. Of course Peter Parker would turn up here. Here Eddie finally had a Spider-man-free life, and the guy himself shows up. Looking different, sure, but Eddie knew it was Peter. They knew.
The symbiote writhed around his body, engulfing his thoughts, growing larger and stronger on the hate that exploded from Eddie's body all at once, feeding on it like a good parasite should. Eddie...Venom was about twice his normal size right now.
Don't you see, Eddie? I told you not to distract yourself. HATE, Eddie, HATE Peter Parker, the one who ruined your life. Ruined our lives. We must DESTROY HIM.
Eddie knew. Oh, how he knew. The symbiote delighted on the resurgence of these feelings -- it had been worried about The Girl, The Girl who had been with Eddie in the lab. It knew Eddie did not love Her, but it did not want Her to distract Eddie either. Take away that delicious hate it needed so much.
Venom ripped another case of shelves from the wall, leaving a ragged hole in it's wake, loose cables sparking, and chucked it at Tony Stark. Test tubes, dishes, and other miscellanea spilled off the shelves. Venom crawled up the wall again, poised on the ceiling watching, long tongue lolling out of his mouth and spattering saliva on the floor.