Mamma mia, does it show again; My my, just how much I've missed you?

Feb 01, 2009 23:57

DATE: Day 42 (towards the evening) 
CHARACTER(S): Steven Hyde [aconspiracy_man ]; Jackie Burkhart [whatsaboobsout ]
STATUS: Closed/Complete
SUMMARY: Hyde's figured out what's going on but wtf, emotions are confusing now. A little in-person talk would probably be a good idea. ...Plus it's good to see old friends again.
LOCATION: Jackie's room

Of all the things Hyde had been expecting to see on this spaceship, Jackie had been the absolute last on that list. Jackie. What the hell what she doing here? He'd finally thought he'd forgotten about her, about all of them ( well, no, not forgotten, he hadn't been able to do that all ) -- at least, forgotten about the feelings he'd used to have for her.

That had ended. She'd left for Chicago and then... well, even if she hadn't really slept with Kelso, what Hyde had done afterward had been so inexplicably dumb and stubborn there had been just no way to mend their relationship. No way. Which had been fine. He'd worked on getting over her, he'd been doing okay. He thought he had, anyway. But now he was confused all over again.

She was here. And not just that, she was from...when they were still together, actually sort of happy. How was Hyde supposed to deal with that? It was almost as if a second chance had dropped out of the sky into his lap and, he wasn't entirely sure if he should take it. If he wanted it. That was the problem though, he didn't know what the hell he wanted. He'd spent...months shoving her out of his mind, talking himself out of liking her--he'd messed things up, and then she wound up with Fez. Good for him. And her, he guessed. And then once here he thought it'd be easier.


No it wasn't.

But it wasn't like he loved her or anything. Anymore. They were just going to talk, clear the air between them. Stuff like that. They were still kind of friends, after all. Hyde reached her doorway, a little hesitant to knock on the door and finally see her face again after all this time.

Then he did knock, rapping on the door in two harsh taps. "Jackie. Open the damn door."

†jacqueline burkhart, †steven hyde

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