On the days when you act like you don't care

Oct 23, 2009 01:07

Who: Iason Mink/jupiters_golden & anyone and all. Come get wet Don't tell me any of you females don't wanna peek! PLOT :D
Date: DAY 115, Morning after breakfast
Status: Open to all, and any/Ongoing
Summary: Iason's showering. What happens and who stops in is up to you! Wanna get wet. Did those little fuckers get you all dirty? Need to be clean?
Location: ( Read more... )

hisoka kurosaki, katze, †iason mink, haruhara haruko, quatre winner

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kit_katze October 23 2009, 05:39:13 UTC
Katze had a routine. When he rose, which was relatively early, he went into Iason's room. He tidied what he could as quietly as possible. He brought something for Iason to eat when he woke up and he left. He pretended to have his own life. He had a job, he had a side job that was probably unorthodox. He didn't need more.

But old habits died hard by now. When Iason wandered past he rose obediently to follow him to the showers in case he needed assistance. Bathing seemed like such a mundane task, but Blondies, in fact most Elite, didn't bathe unattended at home.

He stood there patiently, quietly, waiting for instruction. Some days Iason sent him away. Other days he had something to discuss. Katze was prepared for either.


jupiters_golden October 23 2009, 05:52:37 UTC
He didn't mind the trailing red head. Most of the time he was ignored until Iason needed something. But the showers were realitvely empty today, and though being spotted on the way in didn't bother him, nor being watched, he undressed, tossing his clothes towards Katze-- every item-- and turned on the shower.

He bathed in full, from head to toe, idly staring at the wall in though and without bothering to close the curtain.

No one came to buy furnitature it seemed. His job was far too easy. He was growing bored.


kit_katze October 23 2009, 06:23:42 UTC
Katze caught each article of clothing easily and set to folding them. Crease here, bend there, he stacked them on a small stand designed for such a purpose. Funny how he rarely folded his own clothing and never with such care. Yet he was still an expert at this. Someone could have instructed him to run a household and he wouldn't have faltered.

"Do you require assistance?" Formal words, though Katze's smirk was quite in a different tone. He glanced over Iason appreciatively, eyes lingering at the place his legs should have been severed.


jupiters_golden October 23 2009, 06:53:04 UTC
Though Katze wasn't any use to him, today he kept him around. Oddly enough his temper had decreased over the loss of his beloved Pet. Wherever he was, he wasn't on the ships main grounds. Nor had Katze spotted him recently in any cameras or live feeds.

His fingers crunched into the tile within the shower stall, though Katze's words broken him out of almost slipping his rather brooding mood.

"Yes," he responded, as icy and cold any another other day-- in recent. While he doubted Katze could reach his hair, without a proper tool he would need someone to get his back.


kit_katze October 23 2009, 07:00:12 UTC
Katze slowly stripped out of his clothes. Iason had seen him naked many times throughout his life. There were a few new scars but otherwise no major changes. Furniture weren't made to be interesting to look at when naked.

It had been over a decade since his castration. Katze hadn't really considered the implications of a lifetime but he'd found it didn't bother him. Not truly. After all, the only thing he cared for enough to engage in carnal relations with was his work.

He did have to sweep hair out of his face which bothered him far more than his nudity. He didn't like the scar across his face exposed. "You could probably bathe in the swimming pool and it would be more like home," He offered with an amused look. "You barely fit in there."


jupiters_golden October 23 2009, 07:20:15 UTC
His hair was becoming heavy the more wet it became, drapping down his back like a cloth. The ends extended outwards slightly, faultering over one side. He generally looked back over at Katze, but said nothing at all. Not yet.

His legs strained at standing, though he'd never admit it after returning Katze's medication to him. Blondie's were proud, resilliant and versitile.

He didn't ignore Katze's comment though, and turned his head to glance at him, idly. The sneer the sneer that threatened to crease over his lips disappeared just as easily as it came and he matched that joke idly, critiziting him to be stupid, or just a low as any black haired mongrel.

"Chlorine wouldn't do properly, nor sustain my physical form. Or do you not realise that, Katze?"


kit_katze October 23 2009, 07:31:26 UTC
"I don't believe they use chlorine. But perhaps the fountain outside would be more to your taste?" His tone was still light, as though the entire situation was too amusing. Which, really, it was. Iason jammed into a tiny shower. Katze about to jam himself in there with him.

The castrate retrieved shampoo, putting some on his hands. He could reach the top of Iason's head if he stood on his toes and extended his arms. He was taller than most Furniture, certainly taller than most Pets. He scrubbed carefully, with practiced ease.

"Do you have anything pressing planned for today, Iason?"


jupiters_golden October 23 2009, 07:45:44 UTC
He turned back and idly let Katze join him from within. He barely recognized any touch, nor showed that he had been save for the slightly narrow of his relaxing eyes, calming in that manner. He had expected to be pampered.

There was also a tension that was starting to become unnerving. Pets were there after all to soothe those Blondie needs, but without his readied and available pet, nor able to pick one a new one at his current one's absense, that utterable urge was begining to creep.

"Not today," nor had he any day, so far. He had far too much freedom, not that he would complain.


kit_katze October 23 2009, 07:50:53 UTC
Katze would have much preferred to be clothed. However he didn't have anything here he would like to ruin or even get wet. Nudity was a non issue, save the fact that it was probably improper for a Furniture to be unclothed in the presence of an Elite who was also unclothed.

Not that either of them relied too much on what was proper. The black market dealer and the Blondie pulling the strings he could. Katze had gotten rather used to being his own man.

"Rinse." One hand shielded those fierce blue eyes from soap, making the water spray him in the face in retaliation. Well no one said bathing a Blondie was going to be neat or easy.

"Then perhaps you should walk around and maybe interact with others. You seem....stressed."


jupiters_golden October 23 2009, 08:14:15 UTC
His head hung back just lightly enough for Katze to reach, milding some manner even if he didn't care if any of this was an inconvience for the red head. Iason had a lot of hair and if Katze missed any it would be unfortunate.

He mildly curled his fingers when Katze touched him, but made no other movement when he spoke, stating his intentions in covering his eyes. He closed them none the less.

"Interact with others would be complicated and irritating." He knew what people though of his ways and culture upon this ship. The disgust- not that he cared -- was apparent in their eyes. "Stressed." It was hardly the word.


kit_katze October 23 2009, 19:46:38 UTC
Whatever feelings he had for Iason, however much devotion had melded in to something else, Katze was impassive as he went about these duties. He'd discovered that nudity in this place was viewed rather like it was in the slums of Ceres. Nudity was frowned upon, seeing another person naked meant something.

He made sure all the shampoo was rinsed out before reaching for conditioner. Iason's hair thus far hadn't suffered too much damage. "It would be," Katze agreed. "But if you...don't mention Riki...I think you would be alright." Iason had been born to privilege and Katze thought he didn't understand poverty or even middle class simply because he didn't want to do so. "As huge as you are, you're still not an island."


jupiters_golden October 23 2009, 20:02:10 UTC
Every inch of him was made to be appraised, not mutilated and disturbed in such a way. He was perfection, Jupiter's finest. All these thoughts mulled over in his inpassive mind. A short look over his shoulder at Katze displayed a turmoil of emotions. Anger, aggression, doubt, disobedience.

Riki. That name. That irritating name. These feelings, this wanton lust lapping at the back of his mind like a filthy dog. He didn't mind the mongrel, his beloved pet being so far away, as long as he knew.

As long as he knew. But he didn't. He had shrouded that mask, that truth that he was his.

"I am the center."


kit_katze October 24 2009, 01:28:19 UTC
Long fingers, far more at home on the keys of a computer, combed through flaxen hair. He made sure to get the ends, holding back a sigh and wondering for a moment if Jupiter engineered Blondies to have perfect hair as well.

He didn't respond to the look given him; Iason would have to get used to it eventually. Better it be from him who could suffer the moods and even assaults than someone else.

"And so modest," Katze quipped, lips curving into a smile. "Perhaps associate with another Elite?"


jupiters_golden October 24 2009, 04:06:45 UTC
Katze didn't even seem to flinch, nor move at his angered look, and he turned his head away to stare back at the shower wall, watching the water flicker down it. He straightened more, hoping to make it more difficult for the red head behind him, straighten his shoulders out and with both hands braced against the walls on either side of him.

That caused him to stir.

"An Elite?" He turned around fully, causing those Blondie strands to whip and his hand coiled towards Katze's throat, hoping to grasp and squeeze, "Do you see, any Elites, around here? Only false Elites that do not understand. Only those that hold mongrels to the highest regard. FRIENDS of mongrels."

"Tell me, Katze, is that an Elite to you?"


kit_katze October 24 2009, 06:38:52 UTC
Katze moved easily, following Iason and finishing up the comb through. "Leave it on a minute and rinse again," He instructed. If Iason didn't and ended up with a greasy head, it was hardly his fault.

He skillfully avoided the reach, knowing when Iason had ill intent and this was probably one of those moments. "I have the same genetics as an Elite," Katze snapped back to him. He'd grown a spine in the years since he'd been a Furniture and because he cared for Iason didn't mean he would roll over completely. "I could have been a Ruby except for some accident of my coloring and my parents not wanting me. What defines an Elite, exactly?"

But Katze had grown up as any other mongrel. "They're not you're type of Elite. But they are people and in that aspect the same as you. You might even learn something."


jupiters_golden October 24 2009, 08:54:41 UTC
His eyes narrowed dangerously, his fingers curling with that unpracticed ease. Katze had moved, from his hand as his rage was building, his ego was bruised, and then his hand shot out, not to hit, or beat as it always did. Instead it stabbed towards the door.

"Get out." He turned then, moving to wash his own hair out. Disobedience was something he would not handle. He dismissed Katze then. If he persistanted in disobeying his order, Iason planned on beating the man senseless.

"But you weren't. It was not your fate, nor your design, Katze. You were not a Ruby, you are not a Ruby, and you will never be a Ruby."


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