Gender-bent reunion time

Sep 18, 2009 13:48

DATE: Day 106
CHARACTER(S): Tatsumi and Watari
STATUS: Closed, ongoing
SUMMARY: A talk between friends
LOCATION: Watari's lab

He'd cleaned up the lab enough that Tatsumi would be able to sit down on one of the stools without having to move papers around and look at them with no idea of what the notes might mean. Watari had a lot of plans and things to work on since there was never any need to worry about his budget here unless the Council ever decided not to pay him anymore.

The miniature he'd made of Meifu's supercomputer still took up most of one table and various wires and circuitboards scattered the area nearby. On another table, beakers and test tubes rested in arrangements that made sense only to him. New planets meant new life to sample and use in his work, after all! 003 rested on his shoulder, as she'd been almost constantly since his return. If it weren't for a few of the lingering bloodstains on the walls, nobody would know about the accident that he'd had during his first stay on the ship.

Watari munched on some food he'd picked up in the cafeteria before coming to the lab and eyed the door impatiently. Talking to Tatsumi was one thing but seeing him again would be another, especially given his current body.

†seiichirou tatsumi, †yutaka watari

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