Посол Вануату и "дело Юриса Гулбиса"

Apr 20, 2012 16:03

03 June 2012

(Столица Вануату Порт Вила)

Вануату признало Абхазию
Ванауту назначило посла в Россию и страны региона
За последние дни с тихооокеанского острова Вануату поступил ряд новых сообщений.
18 апреля 2012 г. госпожа Тхи Там Гуазе была официально утверждена главой государства в должности посла по особым поручениям Республики Вануату в России и странах региона.
По совместительству она является и послом Вануату в Абхазии (с июля 2011 года).
Госпожа Тхи Там Гуазе стала первой женщиной-послом в истории страны.

Goiset gets appointment as Roving Ambassador to Russia

Mrs Te Moli Venaos Thi Tam Goiset is the new Vanuatu Roving Ambassador to Russia and Eastern Europe.
Her letter of credentials was officially signed by the Acting Head of State Dunstan Hilton in a swearing in ceremony at the State House yesterday morning.
Witnessed by her husband, families and friends and the government officials, Mrs Goiset took the oath of allegiance immediately after the Acting Head of State signed her letter of credentials.
In presenting her letter of credentials, Acting Head of State assured Ambassador Goiset that he was pleased to commission her as Vanuatu’s Roving Ambassador to Russia.
“The Vanuatu Government has confidence in you which are the reason to appoint you to this high position. You are now representing Vanuatu in this very important role and have the trust of the government and the people of Vanuatu. You represent the interest of the people of Vanuatu at this international level. We pray that6 God will help you in the tasks you have entrusted to serve the people of Vanuatu in this capacity,” Acting Head of State Hilton told newly appointed Roving Ambassador to Russia Goiset yesterday.
Speaking as a Speaker of Parliament, Dustan Hilton assured Mrs Goiset of his support and that of the Parliament of Vanuatu: “I am also appointing you as a special envoy to the Parliament of Vanuatu as an additional responsibility apart from being the Roving Ambassador to Russia,” Speaker Hilton advised Mrs Goiset.
“Your appointment as special envoy to the Vanuatu Parliament includes all countries or areas where you will serve as Vanuatu Roving Ambassador. And you will receive your appointment letter at the Parliament House sometime this week,” Mrs Goiset was told yesterday morning.
In accepting her letter of credentials, Mrs Goiset responded: “Today April 18 marks an important day in Vanuatu’s history because it is the day in which a first female of Vanuatu was appointed to a Roving Ambassador position.
“It is an honor for me to receive my letters of credentials today.
“I dedicate my appointment to my late parents and the Speaker of Parliament, the Prime Minister, the Churches and High Chiefs of Nagriamel and John Frum Movement, and to my husband and our children, and those I have worked with and friends,” she replied to the Acting Head of State.
She added that she owes a dedication also to the Vietnamese Community in Vanuatu for their contribution to the developments of Vanuatu since 1963 and continue to do so today, she said. She also said she owed much to Dinh families for their support in the struggle for Independence since 1974 and continuing today, she told the Acting Head of State.
The new Vanuatu Roving Ambassador to Russia expressed a special gratitude to the government of the Prime Minister Sato Kilman because she said, it is the first government to recognize the importance of women in such a high position.
“My appointment to this position clearly shows to the world that the Prime Minister Sato Kilman and his Government accept the changes that needed to allow women into such positions.
“I am also addressing this message to the mothers of this nation to prepare to accept the responsibilities of assuming such positions.
“It is time for mothers to show respect and dignity that begin with families in the homes and at the same time for mothers to step out into similar roles,” said Mrs Goiset.
“I wish to assure the government and members of parliament that I will do my very best to assist the country in the areas of education and health and the economic development of the country, even to the remote areas of the country.
“And I ask the church leaders of Vanuatu to pray for me and to promote God’s love, humility and hold fast to our motto ‘In God We Stand’.

Такое решение также фактически является формой подтверждения доверия к ней и ответом на обвинения в коррупции со стороны оппозиции в адрес госпожи Тхи Там Гуазе и чиновников от правящей партии. В частности, в отношении недавних обвинений в незаконном предоставлении вануатского гражданства Юрису Гулбису, послу по особым поручениям Республике Абхазия в странах региона, путем формального усыновления его вождем Движения Нагриамель, председателем которого является Тхи Там Гуазе.
Latvian’s citizenship less than a year prompts call for termination

The Vanuatu Ombudsman has recommended that all members of the Citizenship Commission be terminated after they granted a citizenship to a Kazakhstan-born Latvian national who spent less than one year in Vanuatu.
The citizenship was awarded based on the fact that the man was adopted by the Nagriamel Movement in Vanuatu under chief Tari Buluk through Mrs Thitam Goiset.
In the report that was released yesterday afternoon and signed by Ombudsman Pasa Tosusu, it outlined the unlawful decision of the Citizenship Commission to grant citizenship to the Latvian national.
The report exposes the alleged corrupt activities and actions of members of the Citizenship Commission in granting citizenship to Mr Juris Gulbis, who has only resided in Vanuatu for less than a year.
Mr Gulbis arrived in Vanuatu in 2008 as his citizenship application states but was only given a residence permit in December 2009, which expired in December 2010.
Be before his one-year residency permit expired Mr Gulbis was granted a citizenship.
The ombudsman stated that Gulbis was not eligible for citizenship and the Commission erred in granting him one.
The Ombudsman went on to state that it is sad and appalling to see that people who are appointed into high offices of the government continue to disregard the laws that clearly express how the affairs of this country should be run.
Of such are the members of the Citizenship Commission who miserably failed and breached the supreme law of this country to grant neutralized citizenship to Mr. Gulbis who was not even eligible to apply for one. The Citizenship Act (Cap 112) does not recognize adult adoption but yet, Mr Gulbis’s application was granted based on documents indicating that he was adopted by the Nagriamel Movement in Vanuatu and was given the name Juris Gulbis Saken.Other grounds for such approval include his occupation as a lawyer, and an investor.
The Ombudsman report went on to state that according to Article 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu, a national of a foreign state may apply to be citizen of Vanuatu if he has lived continuously in Vanuatu for at least 10 years immediately before the date of the application.
The Ombudsman recommended that the Citizenship Act be amended if not repealed and replaced and that any amendment should include penalizing individual members of the Commission who makes decisions outside established laws of Vanuatu.
It was also recommended that adult adoption should not be recognized as a ground for which naturalized citizenship will be granted because it is open to being abused, the recommendation of the Ombudsman stated.
The Ombudsman also recommended that legal advice must always be sought from the State Law Office before a final decision is made on certain applicant’s file as clearly seen in this case where no advice was sought and the Commission’s decision breached the Constitution and the Citizenship Act.
Moreover, the recommendation stated, it is recommended that the Prime Minister terminates the current members of the Citizenship Commission and appoint new members as their unlawful decision to grant Mr Gulbis citizenship already indicated the level of corruption in that institution.
While there are plans to increase the citizenship fee from Vt16,000 to Vt350,00, the Ombudsman recommended that the fee should be increased to Vt500,000..

We never adopted any Latvian: Chief Buluk
Santo News
By Harrison Selmen
Chief Tari Buluk of Fanafo said he never adopted anyone from Latvia as reported on the front page of Daily Post last weekend.
The story Chief Buluk was referring to was based on a report released by the Ombudsman’s office.
The Ombudsman’s report stated that the man was adopted by the Nagriamel Movement in Vanuatu under Chief Tari Buluk through Mrs Thitam Goiset.
Chief Buluk said all allegations on Daily Post about the adoption of the Latvian national by the Nagriamel Movement under his jurisdiction was never known by him and even all the chiefs around Sanma province.
He said he knew about Mrs Goiset because she has connections with the Nagriamel in the past through the killing of pigs to get chiefly titles.
But there was no one adopted by the Nagriamel Movement.
He said if any expatriate was adopted by the Nagriamel Movement it would be known by every chief around Sanma and also the people of Sanma province.
“Adoption is a big thing. When we are talking about adopting somebody then all chiefs should come together to witness this ceremony.” Chief Buluk said.
Asked about the name Juris Gulbis Saken the paramount Chief said he never knew this person and never heard of that name before.
But he said using his name on paper without accurate information about the adoption has spoiled his reputation as one of the Paramount Chiefs of Sanma. He said he will be making a claim based on the false use of his name.
Chief Buluk had to travel from Fanafo Village to Luganville to check the article at the Daily Post and gave his response after people alerted him about the story.
Последнее сообщение перепечатанное из мелкой местной газеты, о том что вождь был не в курсе, я оставлю без комментариев, учитывая подобные предыдущие случаи вроде прошлогодних злоключений посла Вануату в ООН .

Goiset’s appointment followed process: PM Kilman
Prime Minister Sato Kilman told parliament yesterday that the contract of Vanuatu’s Roving Ambassador to Russia, Mrs Thitam Goiset was prepared and scrutinized by the State Law Office and Foreign Affairs before it was presented before the Council of Ministers.
He said the legal advice to that Council of Ministers at that time was that the contract was okay.
The prime minister made this comment following a question from member of parliament for Tanna, Joe Natuman whether such contract, which included a 15% reward for funds secured, was in accordance with the Public Service Act and the laws of Vanuatu.
PM Kilman said the Roving Ambassador’s appointment followed the process of appointment.
The head of government said there were setbacks in the appointment and he had asked foreign affairs to address the issue one way or another.
Kilman said what was presented before the Council of Ministers initially was 20% as Goiset’s share of any funds she secures for the government.
But the Council of Ministers agreed to reduce it to 15%.
In relation to any funds brought in through this contract since the appointment, the prime minister said he cannot confirm at this stage if any funds have come into the government.
But Minister of Finance Moana Carcasses said he has checked following a Russian envoy’s visit to Fiji recently where Vanuatu’s representative also attended and no funds have been secured by the Roving Ambassador so far to go into the government coffers.
Mrs Goiset was presented with her letter of credentials signed by this Acting Head of State, Dunstan Hilton, this week..

Re: Approval of 15% Reward to Madam Goiset (Roving Ambassador to Russia)
Category: Letters
Dear Editor,
I read on the Daily Post that the current sitting of Parliament endorsed a rewarding scheme that we had never heard of before if am correct for Madam Goiset (Roving Ambassador to Russia). I read with interest that the rewarding percentage was suppose to be 20% but the council of Ministers decided to reduced it to 15%.
As a citizen, it is my concern that rewarding ambassadors for any grant secured is totally a bribe of funds that a country is willing to provide to support projects in Vanuatu. How come an ambassador is allowed to reward herself 15% percent of funds secured. Isn’t this rewarding scheme or process against the laws of Vanuatu? The process will certainly lead to massive loss or misappropriation of funds that suppose to assist Vanuatu. This means if Madam Goiset secured funds of, say Vt33, 000,000 then her reward of 15% is Vt4, 950,000. Can we ask the government; does the Vt4, 950,000 go straight into Madam Goiset’s pocket?
The Government of Vanuatu is suppose to provide funds for the operations of any Vanuatu embassy overseas but it seems though current government has a new deal with Madam Goiset.
Can the Ombudsman or Transparency International provide further information on the above to the public if the above process is within the laws of Vanuatu?
If the government of Vanuatu does not have funds for the operations of Vanuatu embassies overseas then it is common sense not to engage in opening up more embassies. Why open more embassies when there are no funds? We have a lot more issues to be addressed here at home, look at the hospitals, schools, roads etc.
Could the 15% reward to Madam Goiset be scraped as funds secured do not belong to an individual but to benefit the people/communities of Vanuatu?.
Во всяком случаи, каких-либо видимых последствий все эти обвинения и на этот раз не имели, как и ранее провалившиеся попытки оппозиции обвинить правительство в коррупции в связи с отношениями с Абхазией. Следует также напомнить, что педалирующая эту тему газета принадлежит австралийцам и симпатизирует опппозиции.
Позднее сам премьер-министр Вануату Сато Килман высказался по вопросу возможных нарушений допущенных при оформлении натурализации и сообщил, что в отношении лиц, чья деятельность представляет особую ценность для страны, все формальности будут урегулированы.

No more illegal Vanuatu citizenships
Vanuatu Daily Post
Prime Minister Sato Kilman has finally said enough is enough regarding the issuance of illegal Vanuatu citizenships to foreigners.
Some new citizens have become proactive and constructive members of our community starting initiatives that have created employment and contributed to the local economy and for these individuals for which questions may arise, measures will be looked at to legitimize their citizenship and put the issue of their citizenship beyond question if they have complied with the requirements of the law and are positive and constructive contributors to our society.

Грузинские СМИ со ссылкой на малоизвестный оппозиционный фиджийский правозащитный блог со странным названием "Intelligentsiya" (weblog by Fijian journalists reporting and discussing alleged human rights abuses by the Fijian military regime) распространили информацию о высылке Юриса Гулбиса с Фиджи.
Русского резидента и "посла" Абхазии по совместительству выкинули из Фиджи
Юрис Гулбис, директор Gulbis&Partners Fiji Limited, (Сува, Фиджи), который в то же время является "послом" Абхазии в Науру, Вануату и Тувалу, покинул Фиджи под давлением представителей нелегального военного правительства, с которым он пытался выстроить контакты, продвигая интересы Абхазии. Об этом сообщает блог "Intelligentsiya".
По имеющимся сведениям, Гулбис, проживающий в Суве и также имеющий коммерческие интересы в Ванауту, был увезён из своего дома на прошлой неделе в грузовом автомобиле солдатами, после чего его вынудили покинуть страну в связи с тем, что он "представлял интерес для национальной безопасности Фиджи". Всё это произошло несмотря на ту помощь, которую он оказал в организации недавнего визита министра иностранных РФ на Фиджи, а также то, что он является близким другом полковника армии Фиджи Мохаммеда Азиза. 
Отъезд Гулбиса, который был вынужден заплатить за свой билет из аэропорта Окленда, стал кульминацией целого ряда звонков с угрозами его жизни, которые он получал в течение последних нескольких недель.
Есть основания полагать, что причиной прекращения представительской деятельности Гулбиса на Фиджи стало то, что он оказал существенную поддержку частной строительной компании в её длительной судебной тяжбе с налоговыми и таможенными органами Фиджи, которые действовали в интересах одного из высокопоставленных чиновников с целью доведения этой компании до банкротства. Помощь Гулбиса позволила компании выиграть дело. 
Юрис Гулбис считался "другом" существующего режима, чему в немалой степени способствовало то, что он входил в состав представительства Transparency International на Фиджи. Хотя он и являлся представителем Абхазии, Юрис также реагировал на местные политические события, в частности он не одобрил планы президента фиджийского общества по связям с Британским Содружеством по отмечанию дня Содружества, в то время как членство Фиджи в этой организации приостановлено. 
По нашим данным помощники Юриса в настоящее время готовятся к закрытию его офиса. Его превосходительство Юрис Гулбис заверил нас, что в ближайшее время он опубликует официальное заявление по данному вопросу.
Поскольку за прошедшие дни никакой другой информации о "депортации" не поступало, то можно предположить, что эта информация является ложной или искаженной, возможно связанной с закрытием ставшего ненужным старого офиса Гулбиса на Фиджи (Gulbis & Partners Fiji Limited). 
Как известно, еще в начале прошлого года Гулбис перенес свой бизнес с Фиджи на Вануату, в столицу страны Порт-Вила (Juris Gulbis, the director of Interchange Vanuatu) и получил гражданство этой страны (в 2010 г.). Кроме того, на Вануату Гулбис имеет гораздо более тесные связи с руководством и деловыми кругами страны, чем это было на Фиджи, где он, в основном, был известен как правозащитник. Кстати, Гулбис собирается продолжить занятие правозащитной деятельностью и на Вануату в Transparency International Vanuatu

(Юрис Гулбис)
Учитываю то, что Юрис Гулбис хорошо известен в регионе - еще до того как стать послом Абхазии он был известен как бизнесмен и представитель Transparency International и Британского Совета по культуре на Фиджи - описанный скандал с якобы принудительной депортацией должен был бы привлечь внимание новозеландских и австралийских СМИ, на которых он ранее выступал (Радио Австралии, например) или которым давал интервью. Тем более, что, по версии блогера, он якобы пострадал от фиджийской "хунты" за правозащитную деятельность.
Юрис Гулбис - черезвычайный и полномочный посол по особым поручениям МИД Республики Абхазия в азиатско-тихоокеанском регионе.
Представители Вануату присутствовали на инаугурации президента Южной Осетии Леонида Тибилова в Цхинвали.
Бакрадзе: Инаугурация Тибилова в Цхинвали не имеет ничего общего с волей народа
Согласно заявлению председателя парламента Грузии Давида Бакрадзе, "инаугурация Леонида Тибилова не имеет ничего общего с выборами и волей народа".
Как сказал, Бакрадзе комментируя т.н. инаугурацию, "никакие «выборы» в Абхазии и Цхинвальском регионе нельзя считать законными, до тех пор пока не исправятся результаты этнической чистки, беженцы не вернутся в свои дома, и до тех пор, пока оккупационная армия России не покинет эти два региона Грузии".
Напомним, что сегодня в Цхинвали прошла т.н. инаугурация Тибилова.
Де-факто избранный президент в присутствии "членов парламента" и "судей Конституционного суда" произнес присягу на тексте "конституции республики".
Отметим то, что в церемонии инаугурации приняли участие гости из России, Никарагуа, Венесуэлы, Науру, Тувалу, оккупированной Абхазии, Вануату, Приднестровья и Нагорного Карабаха.
В ходе визита министра иностранных дел и внешней торговли Вануату Альфреда Карло во Францию он, по сообщению той же "Vanuatu Daily Post", упомянул, что пока формальные отношения с Абхазией (и ЮО???) не установлены.

Carlot tells of “right” over Mathew, Hunter
Finally Carlot capitalised on the occasion to confirm to his French counterpart that despite Regional media reports regarding Abkhazia and South Ossetia his Government has not established any formal relationships with these States..
Информация о признании Абхазии по-прежнему вывешена на сайте правительства Вануату.

Vanuatu’s recognition to the Republic of Abkhazia



На Вануату для съемок эпизода своего нового боевика "Доспехи бога 3" ("Китайский Зодиак") прибыл известный актер Джеки Чанг. В аэропорту актера встретила толпа местных жителей.


Бюджет фильма - около 40 млн. долларов.

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Другие эпизоды снимаются в Париже, Пекине и ЛАТВИИ!.

Абхазия, Южная Осетия, Россия, Грузия, Вануату, Гулбис

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