Round 5: Challenge 4 - Where They're Not Together

Oct 25, 2009 18:54

As a continuation on last week's challenge, instead of iconning the Doctor and Rose's closeness, we're going to icon the Doctor and Rose far apart. With that, both characters cannot be in the icon. It's either the Doctor or Rose, not both.

Unlike the last few times we've held this type of challenge, neither character needs to be angsting out over the other. Of course, you are welcome to icon an angsty scene, just know that other people may not feel so inclined. :P

+ Enter 1 icon only.
+ You may use the caps provided or your own, but they have to include the Doctor or Rose.
+ You may mix/blend your images.
+ All resources are viable.
+ Your icon must meet LJ standards. No more than 100x100 pixels and no more than 40k.
+ Your icon must be new for this challenge. Please DO NOT use old icons. You will be disqualified.
+ Please do not post your icon anywhere or let anyone know which icon is yours until voting is over. Your icon will be disqualified.
+ No animation
+ Deadline: Sunday, November(!) 1st @ 6PM PST

Special Category for this challenge is Best Text. You might want to think about it when making your icon but it's not an requirement. Just when you want to try for the point in special category.

Poll C5 Special Category

22 entries

Any questions, drop me a comment.

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Thanks everyone!

r5c04, round 5, challenges

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