Round 04: Challenge 10 - An Awful Lot of Running

Sep 13, 2009 22:52

Aww, last challenge. :(

The challenge this week is sorta based on a song, but the main theme is running. I've selected six caps this week but they're really bad. Use them as a guide to where else in an episode you can look. :P

The song in question is An Awful Lot of Running by Chameleon Circuit

+ Enter 1 icon only.
+ You're free to use any images you like as long as they include the Doctor and/or Rose.
+ You may mix/blend your images.
+ All resources are viable.
+ Your icon must meet LJ standards. No more than 100x100 pixels and no more than 40k.
+ Your icon must be new for this challenge. Please DO NOT use old icons. You will be disqualified.
+ Please do not post your icon anywhere or let anyone know which icon is yours until voting is over. Your icon will be disqualified.
+ No animation
+ Deadline: Sunday, September 20th @ 6PM PST

Special Category for this challenge is Best Close Crop. You might want to think about it when making your icon but it's not an requirement. Just when you want to try for the point in special category.

10 entries

Any questions, drop me a comment.

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Thanks everyone!

round 4, r4c10, challenges

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