May 08, 2007 10:46
Courteousy of a swift kick to the head by kotori, I am actually hauling my lazy butt out here to post.
No, this has nothign to do with the fact that I shoudl be studying for a final ?I ahve later today that I really just don't feel like studying for, honest.
I cakknowledget that some of you, especially those of you whom I don't see online too often, are probably going "WTF who is this guy again?", and I can't really blame you for that. I've just been all sortsa IRL busy, and updating here has never really been a priority. I'll try to change that, but if I do journal on a regular basis, realize that will havce a lot of angsting. I know, everyone angsts on their journal, but I just feel obligated to warn you.
Breif recap to sceneset for everyone who may or may not care:
I moved out of my old appartment (yes, musical cue goes there) and into a rather large house known as "The Asylum". Roommate was a bit much for me, really. well, him and his girlfriend. Anyways, so that is where I am. Am no longer with Jacki after an unpleasant and complicated breakup. AS for girls now... let's just say it's complicated.
Classes are rather bieng le pwnage on me, and I am hoping to do well on my upcoming finals to salvagte decent grades in most of my classes. And my dad wants me to get my GPA back above a 3.0... Riiight.
Roleplaying goes decently (yes, those of you who care, and those of you who do not care. I'll probably end up posting a lot of RP summaries here, because I can, and it's an important part of my life at the moment.) Playing a slight fey (think fern gully, only not a druid) and an elven transmuter (no, not FMA style. but almost as cool. and she gets backstory angst, so points to her). Those will end soon,though, with the school year wrapping up and all.
Well, better call it for now, and then go wake peoples up.