I'll be going to a tiny, two-bit local anime convention in a few hours... putting off getting things ready (and, y'know, sleeping) as usual. In my internet travels, I came across this whelming (but old) Russian article on Plushy's ~astrological chart~! Y'all might've read some of this before, but it's still pretty lulzy. It also came with a really odd pic of him:
The original article is
here, but for our non-Russian bbs, the translated text is under the cut.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's look at the famous horoscope Evgeni Plushenko, the winner of many championships, the Olympics. What will be his destiny - is very much interested in what he represents as a person.
First, we note its emergence into the world under the sign of Scorpio, he was born Nov. 3, 1982, and according to his biography, he was born at dawn. "And the dawn is more pronounced ...", and then still on the distant frontiers of our motherland. Very interesting, I noticed a coincidence, this pointed to the ancient astrologers: Scorpio is born, someone dies. Either the family or do somewhere in the world, and this death will be very important. Once born Plushenko, Brezhnev died on Nov. 10, exactly a week after his birth. And began to collapse the Soviet Union - very interesting, very remarkable coincidence.
His appearance coincided with the light of sunrise and at sunrise are born, as spoken by ancient astrologers, people are very bright, who need the maximum self-expression, which never satisfied with the modest role of Soviet or Russian workers, who must laurels of success, and hoped the show business. People born at sunrise, it's always sunny people who seek to maximize activity in society. Very great influence for the athletes is just Mars, because this planet is not only connected with the war, but also with the ability to achieve its goals. And he he is in the sign of Capricorn, in one of the best locations.
Generally, to achieve the goals and fierce dedication to the pursuit of it is almost impossible, distant, almost fantastic results Mars in Capricorn - is one of the best locations that he and demonstrated. A large cluster of planets in the so-called first house of the horoscope, it said that people all seeking their own, that he at no one expects that, in principle, he is a loner by nature, he appears as a lone wolf. Best of all its capabilities are manifested in extreme circumstances, especially when he is on the brink of a foul, on the verge of collapse. He received several injuries, aside from a distance - it is known, and then making up for his and achieved even better results.
Especially during the Olympics in 2006, because before that he was injured, even descended from a distance, it is no longer taken seriously, and suddenly he was again seeking fantastic results. This is typical of Scorpios, which are very often get a big kick of life, and it is vital blow causes them to pick yourself up, from some unknown source to obtain additional energy, additional stimulus to life. And they like Phoenix reborn from the ashes only. Here, in the life of Evgeni Plushenko, such an effect will manifest itself not one or two times.
The sun, it must be noted, in his horoscope is not very strong planet, but it is in conjunction with Venus, which, of course, always attracted to him a lot of fans, fans, giving him the opportunity to bathe in the love of men and women. And he must choose between them, set priorities. So far we know of his attention to the female sex, but also representatives of the stronger sex displayed a self-interest. And someday he will have to make a choice - with whom he will, with whom he is better: to present a chosen one, or perhaps with some other choice. To solve it, no one takes away his right to choose. The feeling of absolute freedom for a man born under the sign of Scorpio, with Plushenko will always be present.
Unfortunately, in his horoscope watches the opposition of the Moon and Uranus, Uranus is just the second house of the horoscope. The second house in the horoscope for uranium - a measure of divorce, unexpected dissolution of marriages and partnerships. And it concerns not only the chosen ones for the family, although one of his wives what happened in 2008 when he divorced his first wife, but also, in principle, accompanied by his life! This opposition of the Moon and Uranus, could possibly be triggered once. God grant that he is not divorced from his present lady, until they all well and good, but you can warn the dissolution of the marriage after 4 years.
Regarding his participation in large and serious cases involving Russia, then this too is an indication. It is likely that he could prove himself not only as deputy to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, where he was brilliantly or brilliant, but it manifested itself. It is likely that he will come before and in the State Duma, that he will be responsible for a large and serious, responsible position is likely to become the Minister of Sport and Tourism, that is waiting for him still and serious career.
Like any Scorpion before the big take-off he may be falling, injury, serious life-shaking, as evidenced by the strongly expressed twelfth house of the horoscope, which are very evil planets - Saturn and Pluto. They are in combination in his horoscope and are very angry. This situation indicates large hidden dangers that can be expected. In addition, strongly expressed the eighth house of horoscope, Mercury Managed located there, in conjunction with Saturn and Pluto indicates a large risk of injury, accidents, which resulted in it may lie in the hospital. But it was after these injuries and accidents it will have a big rise - and the social and the rise of popularity, large business projects, obtaining a large number of funds. In his life three or four times will be observed, such ups and downs.
And there is no doubt that the fate of Yevgeny Plushenko's a strange way connected with the fate of our Fatherland. And once in his life will be some heavy events in our country after some time, too, will be something happening, something very important. And God forbid that such life events that Plushenko was successful
I'm still loling at "HE'S GOTTA CHOOSE BETWEEN LIKING MEN OR WOMEN". Hoping maybe someone could translate that a little better? Because right now it is cracking my shit right up.