I want to believe...

Aug 06, 2008 20:32

My thoughts on the new X-files movie are as ambivalent and contradictory as its two leading characters. Strangely fitting, I'd say.

First off, for the simple fact that it's Mulder and Scully on screen again in a new story - this movie could not disappoint me. In this regard it hasn't. I was a little struck by the balance and imbalance of the relationship and the character growth and change. We certainly did not pick up where we left off (you could say luckily *giggles*) and whereas at first I found this evolved relationship a bit unsettling and different from the dynamic duo we all know and love...this new, aged, grown couple felt somehow by the end of the movie like the most logical thing in the world.

Second, the storyline itself...well let's not waist too much breath on it. There were flaws and simplifications there that in fact disappointed me (Scully GOOGLING stem cell research??? excuse me???? they could have at least gone for scholar google or something resembling anything scientific- she's doing experimental surgeries now based on google research? nice one!). The serial killer thing, the Russians...I mean I'm swallowing it down because it's Mulder and Scully. Otherwise, nice sceneries - though I missed the rain and the Vancouver-feeling. I also missed long dialogues between our favourite duo. Car rides and also I'd have loved to see more of their home (as we got so acquainted with their apartments before). I missed those elements in the story to support characterization.
I could have lived without the sick child storyline. Apart from the religious and spiritual elements, I fail to see how it contributed to the story or the characterization. I hated the ending. Of all the M&S centered endings they could have picked??? Come on guys!!

Third, the supporting actors. Ok, nice try but no one impressed me. Except Mitch of course. The sweetie, I was wriggling in my seat the moment he came on screen and I'm glad he had Mulder and Scully scenes. After all he's the one with balls in the bureau (and some of the old Scully came back in that telephone call - go girl!).

Fourth, the double entendre - I want to Believe. Chris Carter trying to get another message across *grins*. Does it work for me? I'm not sure. I'm inclined to say yes - because I'm a sucker for reflecting and philosophical thinking - but that's just me (and Chris obviously). It reminded me somewhat of the voiceovers à la 'Biogenesis', 'Amor Fati'....but again not enough time to do them credit in this movie. On the other hand a thriller movie with a deeper message is quite unique. It wouldn't be the X-files if it was just action and aliens. It has to mean something - and if only for that message I'm so glad we still have movie-makers and writers like Chris Carter out there (I loved his cameo btw!!! so funny *LOL*). He makes us think, he pushes our limits and ideas of what's out there. He realizes that life has a hidden agenda and a deeper meaning. We've lost that connection to this idea in the 21th century, we've lost direction, we've lost meaning, we're barely hanging on to make sense of it all. So all in all - perhaps I would have like to see Chris' message come to life a bit differently, but I respect and love him deeply for the effort of trying to make some sense of it. ...Oh and I'm hoping it will lead to something more in the next movie. (Which I'm sure will never come to life with these poor ratings at the box office *snif*).

Finally and most importantly: Mulder and Scully.
I have no words to express what these two evoke within me....needless to say: a lot. It was a surreal experience to see them again, to get that same familiar vibe, to hear them lull, scream and whisper each other's names. I liked how they evolved as a couple in general. I didn't particularly find Scully 's little 'then I'm not coming home' speech very believable as a story element...I mean please?? After all these two have been through? Nice one, seriously? Mulder as a loner - we all saw that coming. But I'm glad he's at least reaching out. I was still charmed by their little bickerings. With Scully I sometimes missed more respect and honouring for all they had been through. Looking back, perhaps she was whining a bit too much about 'that this wasn't her life anymore, that she was through with it'. It'll always be a part of her life no matter what and she failed to acknowledge that in my opinion. Mulder on the other hand, for once, was very eager to get Scully involved but in the end he still ended up ditching her and not standing by her side. Fight the future was Mulder saving Scully so it's only natural that in this movie Scully would end up saving Mulder :) I didn't mind! I like helpless Mulder. There's a lot of potential there :)
I was touched by the continued non-verbal world they have going there. The intimate scenes were cute and felt natural enough in the whole story. I would have wanted more of that but hey this way there's more left to the imagination.

On the whole, sure this movie could have had a whole lot more potential but then again WE are not the ones writing this stuff and getting it approved by Fox officials. At the end of the day I'm still a fan (and surprised myself with the intensity of my fangirly-ness) and I enjoyed myself thoroughly in this movie. Whatever the next monster, mutant or alien - as long as there's meaning in the story and my favourite duo...I'll by my tickets and say 'Thank you Chris, Gillian and David: I want to believe'.

For those of you who haven't seen it: please go see it...the truth is out there :-)

thoughts, the x-files

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