recpost 9/1/11

Sep 02, 2011 02:14



automated daydreaming by loveyouallwrong @ AO3
pairing: Troy/Abed
summary: The group gets an assignment and Abed gets a clue.
EGG BABIES. Those two words should tell you everything you need about why this fic is great. Egg babies and Professor Duncan and the study group being BEYOND HILARIOUS and truly wonderful Abed POV and BOYFRIENDS EEEEEEEE. Also, Top Gun. ♥


Thicker Than Blood by sour_idealist
pairing: gen, Saito-centric
summary: n/a
Oh. Oh, my heart. Do you know who needs to write all the things? Em needs to write all the things, because this is one of those crossovers where x character from one thing grew up to be y character from another thing and it is Saito-centric and it is limbo fic and oh, oh wow, did I mention my heart because my heart. And I almost don't want to spoil who it is exactly so you should just click and read it for yourself because it is very very good.


she's got you high (and you don't even know yet) by viorica8957
pairing: Hanna/Sophie
summary: Humans and animals don't have that much in common, but there are some practices that cross between the two.
Laura does this thing, you guys, where she plays my heartstrings like a motherfucking harp virtuoso? She's doing it again here. POCKET-SIZED LESBIANS OMG OMG OMG. And it's Hanna POV and it's adorable as fuck and god I love these girls and this movie with all my heart. FLUFFY AND HAPPY AND WONDERFUL.


The Only Recipe For Lasagna You'll Ever Need by urbanAnchorite @ AO3
pairing: John/Karkat
summary: Choose lasagna as good first meal for boy humans (1) and boy trolls (1) to show you can overcome this cooking thing. Feel impugned when Rose suggests you would both eat popcorn between two slices of bread and call it a day. Advise her you only did that the once.
Okay, so, I am reccing some pretty perfect fics in the Homestuck section of this post. But I think this one might actually seriously and for reals be my number one favorite. I was literally shrieking with laughter, and then i was d'awwwwing over how sweet it was, and then ow, punch to the gut made of pure undiluted FEELINGS, and by the time it was over I was actually doing kickyfeet in the air and demanding Ginny read it RIGHT NOW. I don't. Think I can offer a more coherent rec than that, but jegus, you guys, please read it, because it is perfect. The end.

How Karkat Vantas Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Con Air by urbanAnchorite @ AO3
pairing: John/Karkat
summary: The moment Karkat sees the sleeping bags, John sees him change his mind.
SCREAMING. This is another one of those fics that I think people consider to be kind of definitive when it comes to John/Karkat? AND FOR GOOD REASON. In which John and Karkat have a cultural exchange, i.e. watch movies and cry and are kinda gay for each other. I love every word of it. (Also, it is about ten times funnier if you've actually seen Con Air, so you should go watch that, but that is another rec for another time I guess?)

Amidst General Happiness, A Recollection of Pain by Memlu @ AO3
pairing: Rose/Kanaya
summary: In the Furthest Ring, the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors sleeps undying; and we must all of us slay our own demons.
oh my heart. oh my girls. Memlu is some kind of word wizard, I think, because everything she writes is totally awesome. This is one of the first - if not the actual first - Homestuck fics I ever read (…before I actually started the comic, hahahaha) so it had me shipping Rose and Kanaya from the very beginning. AND IT IS PERFECT.

Lalonde's Inferno by urbanAnchorite @ AO3
pairing: Rose/Kanaya/Eridan
summary: Good girls go to heaven, but the bad girls dress up Mr. Ampora on Saturday nights. In which Rose knows she must be disturbed.
You guys, I did not even realize "pre-threesome" was a genre until now. This is a little less pre-OT3 and a little more pre-Rose/Kanaya with bonus Eridan and I LOVE IT. It's one of those fics that is basically just kind of made up of pretty pretty words strung together in pretty pretty ways that makes you feel pretty pretty feelings in your heart, also known as pure poetry. And then it gets filthy and it's just sort of like oh. (That was coherent.) Also? LOL FOREVER. Eridan would stand in front of the mirror and roll up his skirt, a study of angles and purple-streaked hair, and announce: “This makes my ass look wide.” HAPPY MARCH.

Five Weeks in May by Cephied_Variable @ AO3
pairing: Dave/Terezi
summary: It's a dumb idea like most of Terezi's ideas. For one, they don't tell anyone they're going.
For another, they've got no destination.
ROAD TRIP FICS ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITE FICS, and this is pretty much the Dave/Terezi of my heart, oh man. They are RIDICULOUS and IMPOSSIBLE and DAMN SILLY and also FULL OF SECRET FEELINGS. oh man. so many perfect lines. COW TIPPING. WILL YOU BE MY ILLEGAL MAIL ORDER BRIDE. honestly, by the time i got to here is Terezi Pyrope- six solar sweeps and four earth years old- cheerfully lapping processed tomato sauce from her palm while Dave tries to think of ways to describe this girl without being disrespectful i was actually shrieking. like, you did not just reference Sexy Bitch in a Dave/Terezi fic, you did, oh god, there is no pairing in the world that would appreciate that more. and oh, oh, I would copypaste my favorite part but I don't want to ruin it. just. six thousand exacto knives made into a girl. and her reply. oh my kids.

…wow tl;dr much. UH JUST READ IT OKAY? OKAY.

Hold Your Colour by lantadyme @ AO3
pairing: gen (Dave-centric)
summary: The game remakes the world when they win. It forgets one thing.
oh god, you guys, this fic actually made me cry. like, legitimately brought me to tears. I have so many brotherfeelings about Striders and this- I don't even know how to rec it, I don't want to spoil anything, just please read it, because it is eleven thousand words of perfect angst and angsty perfection and you guys know me, okay, I am not normally one for angst, but this. This. Oh my god.

Jennifer's Body

A Girl's Guide to Open Heart Surgery by novembersmith @ AO3
pairing: Jennifer/Needy
summary: The heart wants what the heart wants.
asdkfljasdlaksd. ksdjfslkdfkjfsd!!!!!! I could keysmash forever and it would not adequately express how much love I have for this fic. Because the end of this movie left me absolutely heartbroken, and then the internet provided no fix-it fic. AND THEN THIS HAPPENED, AND IT IS THE BEST POSSIBLE FIX-IT FIC ANYONE COULD EVER WRITE, BECAUSE IT IS THE ONE WHERE JEN IS DEAD AND NEEDY SLAUGHTERS PEOPLE AND FEEDS JEN THEIR HEARTS. The dialogue is like, spot on, which is worth mentioning considering canon was written by Diablo fucking Cody, and it's funny as hell, and absolutely fascinating, and it just fits the tone of canon really well? Also: MY GIRLS. My girls, my wonderful girls who are so very much in love, and that entire bit about the life they might have had gets me every time, because they’d have had an apartment, and maybe a cat, and fought over dirty dishes and irrational jealousy, and made up with sex and strap-ons and leather cuffs stamped with BFF that Jennifer could see on her wrist until she felt secure and wanted and remembered. Loved. I'M NOT CRYING! IT'S JUST RAINING ON MY FACE.

Also: the other best thing about this fic? There is podfic that comes with it! It is in the AO3 post, even! And that podfic is read by my very beloved swiiftly, who has the cutest voice of all voices, so you should listen to it.

recs: ouran high school host club, recs: community, recs: jennifer's body, recs: inception, recs: hanna, recs: homestuck, !rec post

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