Recs or something.

Jul 11, 2011 19:11

A reclist specifically for preussenblau.

I Know This Hurts (It Was Meant To) by dancinbutterfly
Summary: He feels like the prince trying to catch up with his kinky CinderDom, with a blindfold in the place of a glass slipper.

Heavy on the BDSM, but a lovely fic anyway, for all the twisting and love it has in it. It's awesome, okay?

Second Sight by zarah5
Summary: Ryan doesn’t think Brendon has missed more than two episodes of Spencer’s show in the last year, usually making himself comfortable in Ryan’s office while they listen and Ryan keeps track of the time so as not to be late for the news at one, his last round for that shift. Ryan’s always just assumed that Brendon’s a tiny little bit in love with Spencer. Most people who listen to the show on a regular basis are.

Radio station au! I don't know, I think it's really lovely.

Right Outside Your Door by moku_youbi
Summary: Christmas-y AU. “Brendon,” Frank said slowly, “you’re not really considering making a life-changing decision based off a Will Ferrell movie, are you?” Brendon is an elf, tired of living at the North Pole, so he escapes to the least Christmas-like place he can think of…

JUST READ IT. READ. IT. This fic made me cry because Christmas makes me cry and I love this fic to bits and pieces, okay?

As Close As It Gets To Home by airgiodslv
Summary: Ryan takes in a breath, retreating from Spencer’s mind to brush against the newcomer, but when he reaches there’s nothing there.

I just have a thing for telepath aus, okay? I love them, and this one's so beautiful.

for no_tags
Summary: Patrick's a late night DJ, Pete's a local rocker trying to get his band on the air.

It's cute and a little silly, which is the sort of thing I like.

Any Note You Can Reach for no_tags
Summary: So, Gerard asks Mikey to ask Pete to ask the Ross kid to ask his band if MCR can cover their song on tour.

Seriously an amazing fic and hilarity and just good fun. :)

It's All Over My Face for no_tags
Summary: "Are we gonna get fucked up here tonight or what?" Frank drops his jacket in the corner of the living room and rolls his sleeves up to get ready for some box-lifting. "Me and Mikey need to break this shit in!"

There's just something about this that makes me smile. A lot.

the last good thing about this part of town by Katarin
Summary: Fresh out of college, Pete Wentz is Patrick's new Government teacher. That would be fine except they're still Pete and Patrick.

I don't know, there's just something about this one. I love it.

Spyro! (Or, The One Where Spencer is a Small Purple Dragon) by Solarcat
Summary: In which Spencer Smith is a small, purple dragon, Ryan Ross makes magical scarves, Brendon Urie writes songs about lonely manticores, and Jon Walker is ~magic~! Featuring appearances by Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump. [A Fantasy AU]

No seriously. Just trust me, I'm the Doctor.

Might Be Prince's Guitar by calathea
Summary: Patrick meets Japanese rocker Miyavi in a guitar store in LA. Pete is jealous.

It's cute and fun and hilarious, okay?

Imitating Yesterday by turps
Summary: Frank's happy in the afterlife, he's got his books, his dogs, his own little house. He doesn't need anything else, right?

It's just really endearing, okay?

recs: bandom, !rec post

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