recpost 4/24/11

Apr 24, 2011 15:26

So I should be sleeping! Or writing! INSTEAD, I AM GIVING Y'ALL FIC RECS AGAIN.


The Feel-Good Movie Of The Summer by crazykittyhead
pairing: Troy/Abed
summary: n/a
OH MY GOD. I can't breathe, you guys, I simply cannot, because I am too busy laughing. SHIRLEY. PIERCE. JEFF. john hughes movies. CARNOSAUR. oh, my otp. REALLY WHERE IS ALL THE TROY/ABED FIC BECAUSE I THINK MAYBE I HAVE READ IT ALL ALREADY AND THAT MAKES ME REALLY SAD. And so fandom should write more, and it should all be like this one. OR IT SHOULD BE PORN.


The Rules of Endogamy by antistar_e
pairing: gen-ish, Erica-centric (kind of pre-Mark/Erica and Mark/Eduardo)
summary: Erica Albright goes to state university. She has four brothers and a green-eyed daemon named Oswald, and it's very hard to get under her skin.
Okay so I am just going to rec TSN fic every single time antistar_e writes it, because it is so good. And this is just kind of a masterpiece, because wow. I am not a fan of the His Dark Materials trilogy, but I am a fan of any and all crossovers involving it, because DAEMONS. Also, I am a sucker for Erica Albright, and the Winklevii are super-great in this, and Eduardo is the cutest possible human being. (I will not spoil Mark's daemon because she is TOO GOOD.)

No to Your Key of Rust by suchdisguise
pairing: Mark/Eduardo
summary: TSN + Star Trek AU. Eight years ago, Eduardo was captain of the USS Palo Alto and Mark was his second-in-command. Between then and now, Mark got Eduardo removed from duty and led the Palo Alto to fame and fortune; Eduardo ended up teaching Ethics at Starfleet. Mark shows up in his classroom one day and it might just be time to bury the hatchet.
So I believe I mentioned that Starfleet AUs are the key to my heart? YEAH. YEAH. THIS IS LIKE THE STARFLEET EQUIVALENT OF POST-MOVIE ANGSTY MAKE-UP-AND-MAKE-OUT FIC AND IT IS AMAZING. Oh my god I am full of feelings. And the whole "you called me Mark" exchange is especially fantastic, because omg, that is Mark Zuckerberg right there, always pushing pushing pushing at tiny tiny flaws in your argument or cracks in your armor, always the pedant, the stickler for accuracy. AND THEN PULLING THE SOME BOYS DON'T LEAVE BULLSHIT OH MY GOD MY HEART. and the epilogue. THE EPILOGUE. I WANT TO WRAP THEM BOTH IN SUNSHINE. ♥♥♥


Like A Girl Changes Clothes by twentysomething @ DW
pairing: girl!Kurt/girl!Blaine
summary: "Of course, when they get to Glee, Mr. Schue is talking crazy talk about something and the girls and guys are split up again. Liesl thinks half the reason they're always scrambling for a set list is because Mr. Schue is incapable of making good decisions, as evidenced by his marriage. Rachel is blathering something about their Sectionals competition and Liesl isn't paying any attention until she hears the words "spies" and oh my god, they'll be laughed out of the state if they let Rachel get within 10 miles of Dalton Academy for Girls."
THAT SUMMARY SHOULD TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW. You guys, you guys, girl!Kurt's name is Liesl and she is Olesya Rulin and Leighton Meester is girl!Blaine and I can't feel my legs. CUTEST POSSIBLE LESBIANS OH MY GOD aklsdfsd and mercedes is precious and WARBLERS OMG and fucking Katy Perry omg I die. And the only reason I know this fic exists is because podklb did an amazing recording of it and SERIOUSLY, you guys have to go listen to that, because Liesl is bitterly sarcastic and Blair is full of Darren-osity and I love everything.


With Bones Unbuttoned by
pairing: Arthur/Eames
summary: "Fuck you," mutters Arthur. And he's got hair in his eyes and a look on his face that would be very close to a pout on anyone less formidable than Arthur happens to be, and then he sighs and shifts a little more against Eames's side and grumbles, "'s too hard doing it by yourself; the angle's all weird."
OH LOOK, FISTING. Sometimes I will rec things not because they are particularly deep, or marvelously well-written, or toothrottingly cute, or especially hilarious, but because they are HOT HOT PORN. Which is not to say this is not hilarious and well-written, because it is, but it is first and foremost porn. Delicious porn in which there is fisting and much appreciation of Arthur's glorious ass, and really, that is all I need sometimes.

if i feel tomorrow like i feel today by zarathuse
pairing: Arthur/Eames
summary: college is hard. life is harder. (or, FUCKING POMPADOUR.)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU GUYS YOU GUYS. COLLEGE AU. FRATBOY AU. As someone who doesn't even go to frat parties, I SURE ENJOY THE AUS ABOUT THEM A HELL OF A LOT. (remind me to rec that amazing brendon/spencer one sometime.) no but seriously, this shit is amazing, and LOL ARIADNE. AND COBB. BUT MOSTLY ARIADNE AND HER FISCHER/SAITO CONSPIRACY THEORIES. And the couch, oh my god, the ugly ugly couch of love, and also NASH IS IN THIS FIC YOU GUYS!! no one ever remembers that Nash exists and I kind of LOVE HIM and eeeeeeeee. ♥


the gospel according to kerouac by falseeeyelashes
pairing: Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Matthew Gray Gubler, Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Ellen Page
summary: there are too many metaphors invoking the word “road” to use in this summary. yes. this is a story about a road trip.
oh my god. OH MY GOD. big gay stoned road trip. suicidal aliens in the grand canyon. handjobs in a bathroom as rebellion against the state of utah and the story that follows (Joe becomes a gay prostitute ("again?!" he whines) and Matthew grows his hair super long, like Rapunzel long, and sells dates and figs on the side of the road in his native Nevada and they live in a desert shanty, because they are in love, Matthew explains, and people in love don’t mind residing in shanties). ALL THE MENTIONS OF ZOOEY AND NORA Z AND KAT DENNINGS. and everything ellen page chooses to be. basically? this fic is perfect. &hollywoodhipsters;


lighter fluid by falseeeyelashes
pairing: Tony/Effy, slight Tony/Michelle
summary: the flames can only dance for so long.
[SPOILER WARNING: season 1 finale.] SO GUYS DO YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE? INCEST. UNDERAGE INCEST. UNDERAGE, FUCKED-UP, STONEM-VARIETY INCEST, WITH AN EXTRA DOSE OF DRUG USE AND MENTAL PROBLEMS. ugh and all the literary references and the PRETTY and oh effy. oh my girl. This is not the "effy ties her brother to a bed and drips wax on him" fic that I have been wanting ever since I finished the first season? but it is just as good if not better.

The Social Network

there is a place in my heart by moogle62
pairing: Andrew/Jesse
summary: the way to solving all problems in life, if you happen to be andrew garfield, is to get super drunk and kiss your co-star. except that is a lie, because this way only lies madness, taking inappropriate advice and smelling bottles of shampoo. Guest-starring Emma Stone and Justin I-am-the-worst-person-to-talk-to-about-your-problems Timbalone.
LOLOLOL OH MY GOD YOU GUYS. You guyssssss. The Taylor Swift jokes! Lucy the put-upon makeup artist! Justin's entire existence! EMMA. I just, I know this is completely ridiculous and over the top and it probably isn't everyone's cup of tea but it was cracky and silly and GOOD GOD I LOVED IT. may this fandom never die.


Sunshadow by twoskeletons
pairing: Pyro/Iceman
summary: Being lost in Venice. It's preferable to being lost in other things, sometimes.
oh. oh, my heart. ;_; so okay, we marathoned all three X-Men movies last night, and it was a damn good time, and I realized just how much I love St. John Allerdyce and his stupid fucking name and his obnoxiously pretty powers and his SUPER OBVIOUS GAYNESS and his crush on Bobby Drake but their love can never be because John shacks up with the Brotherhood and Bobby is in an awful and mutually destructive relationship with Rogue. SIGH. And then I demanded fic recs from Kyrie and she provided them and I found this, and it is amazing: In which St. John is heartbroken after the events of X2, and gets kind of lost both in Venice and in thought, and Mystique is amazing, and my heart hurts. (…and this fic was written in 2003, jesus fuck, that is forever ago. .____.)

recs: skins, recs: the social network, recs: crossover, recs: community, recs: rpf, !rec post, recs: his dark materials, recs: x-men, recs: inception, recs: star trek, recs: glee

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