Mar 16, 2008 07:13
I sometimes think about children I've seen on TV that have become so morbidly obese they cannot even leave their rooms. My first thought is - how is it that someone who can't get to the kitchen keeps getting enough food to perpetuate this problem?!?! Shouldn't this be self-correcting at some point? The answer seems to always be found in a "loving" mother.
Do we dispute that the mother loves the child? Do we re-work and refine our definitions of love? It would seem that the old pitch that "All you need is love" is not without need of qualification.
My conclusion is that the problem isn't as much that there isn't enough "love" in the world as that there aren't enough healthy relationships in the world. I see more and more cases where there is some form of "love" but in the end the relationship is damaging to one party (or perhaps both). The damaged party cannot really break away since "love" and "rejecting love" will be thrown in their faces. They honestly don't want to hurt the other person. They cannot ever completely justify rejecting love. So they continue on, only to be "loved to death".
I will not argue about what is "real" love and what is not. I will say instead that there is love that is not enough, that there is love that should be shunned and avoided.