zzzzz.... Ouch!

Oct 17, 2007 05:48

Orthopedic appointment this afternoon for the foot. It didn't hurt much at all when I went to bed, but... been up since 3 am in pain. That seems to be the pattern, hurting like mad in the morning and tapering off by evening. The ibuprofens aren't doing all that much... I see some sweet prescription pain-killers in my near future.

"...pill me up!" - Dr. Quinn, SeaLab 2021

Update: xrays revealed slight damage due to compression injury but no actual fracture. The intense pain seems to be from fluid buildup during the night that works itself out during the first half of the day, with only minor pain after that point. Foot wrapped, drugs prescribed, just have to stay off it as much as possible the next week.
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