The powers that be
cut the nations internet access. Well we all know that can't be good. It's a given that children and authorities always try to hide their misdeeds. And misdeeds are surely afoot there.
This is one reason that US citizens retain the right to bear arms - it is a last resort against tyranny in the government - meaning one's own government (not other governments). Some people think we are crazy having so many guns here, but - have you seen our government's military? Finest and most well-equipped in the world. Think they wouldn't ever use it against us? Think again. No, I don't believe we are in any imminent danger from such a thing. I don't even anticipate such a thing. But I still believe in making such a thing less achievable rather than more achievable. Just like insurance on my house - I don't expect it to burn down, but nothing says it can't.
You know, if those monks and such were seriously armed... there would likely be a lot more people dying over there. But then, they might actually have a fighting chance against the tyrants in power over them. A government is supposed to work FOR the people, but we all know it doesn't play out like that. Diplomacy and negotiation should always be plan A. However, it's not always possible to deal reasonably with one's opponent, as we are seeing in Myanmar. It's apparently time for the monks to go to plan B, if they have one.