Feb 13, 2005 22:26
its been awhile since i've written
sean and i are long since dead i have a new boyfriend jeff who's possibly the sweetest guy i've ever met my dad likes him a whole lot which is amazing my father never likes the guys i date
however with a new boyfriend comes a whole new wave of mikey's bullshit... this time he actually kicked beth out of his house however im not sure if they broke up or not he really wants to be with me this time but thats crap anyways... i love the kid to death but i can't trust him and until i can we can't be together... plus he's still selling and still doing coke and i cannot handle that...
i like jeff alot i could see falling very deeply in love with the boy he's everything so far that i've wanted but the problem is i still think about mike... i dreamt about him last night... and that bothers me i dont know if i will ever fully move on... what can i say? i gave him my heart and expected nothing in return...
but its late i have dye in my hair and i must get to bed for work
perhaps i'll write again tomorrow now that we have a computer again
then again perhaps i wont even be home tomorrow night... its valentines day and jeff's taking me out...
mike if you end up reading this; i love you, truely i do ... if i fucked with your head this past week please.. forgive me i honestly did not mean to but you must understand boo i am very confused and dreadfully afraid of you you've hurt me so badly in the past... you have to do this on your own to prove to me that you can... get off the coke mikey leave it behind you... stop selling and fix up your life...maybe one day we'll be together and maybe one day we'll be happy both of us then again those chances are just as likely as beth being your soul mate.. which wouldn't be that bad.. i just want you to be happy my love... and i hope you can be happy for me... i love you... happy v day goodnight