Sep 11, 2005 21:20
That was a shitty subject...
Anyways, I got three of my tattoo's touched up today. I got the skull on my hip touched up and got some stuff added to it, and I got both of my stars touched up and got smaller stars around it. I really like the artist that did it. He's going to be drawing up a couple of anime style mermaids for my back. I can't wait to see those.
So, on my birthday I'm going sky-diving, courtesy of J-dog. He made me reservations at SkyDive New England and paying for me to do a tandem-jump, that means if I piss myself someone else has to deal with it too. HA! And I guess my parents are setting up a cookout for the weekend before I leave so the million people my parents are related to can come gawk at my husband (oh the joy is unbearable.) Either way I'm wicked excited to go home for a bit, I get to see all my friends for what may be the last time. Who knows what's going to happen. Jordan could get stationed somewhere, other people could move. It's weird thinking that after I leave NH everybody could sort of just disappear. Everything has already changed so much. But as long as my friends always know that no matter what I love them and will always be there for them no matter what, I guess it really doesn't matter how far away they are. I miss you all so very much, can't wait to see you guys!