Nov 04, 2004 00:38
Well tonight marks the last night that I have the house to myself, which in it's self is bitter sweet. As much as I hate my mother it's still nice to have someone around even if it is just to yell at/with. I think the most deppressing moment of this week would have to be earlier today while eating my fettucini alfredo with grilled chicken breast (I don't mind eating by myself and I don't mind cooking by myself either, but doing both in one day is quite dishearting). Is this what my life is going to come to when I finally leave my house (which Chris says must be done by the time I'm 25 or it's just sad)? Nights on end being spent alone watching T.V. and making dinner for myself? Tonight it even got to the point where I actually called an old ex-girlfriend of mine, which is sad on two basic levels: One, because I even ended up calling an ex (and not to go out for coffee) I mean you cannot advance while still going backwards at the same time. Two, because I couldn't get a hold of her which put an end to that (over the past few years my booty call list has dwindle down to a pathetic 1, the problem? All my booty callable exes doing stupid things like entering year long+ commited relashionships, what's with that anyway??).
In other news I decided to clean my room while my mom was gone (if you've ever seen it then you'd be suprised too). The problem with that, you ask? Well I got the point to where I made every object from my from make a mass exodus in to kitchen, living room, hallways, bathrooms, mommas room you name it and came to the point where it was time (after six years of this shit) to go out (to Ikea of course) and buy myself some furniture to put all this crap into (and onto). The problem you ask? Well I can't get any of it home... my hole family has always been to lazy to help me with anything (espetially when it's car involved and yes I did ask them) and all my friends either don't have a car or are lame like me (and don't even have a drivers licence). Why didn't I think of this before the exodus?? We may never know. So here I am my house messier then you could possibly imagine and my mom coming home tomorrow night at like midnightish, my options?: Leave it all the way it is and have my mom yell at me every day until I grow an internal combustion engine, drag the stuff home from Ikea myself, or cram it all back in my room and live like a slob for the next six years... Only time will tell I'm sure.
Well that's enough for now I'm sure -Christian-
P.S. Last night after I made myself a meat pie Kermit The Frog and I actually had something in common... our fingures both smelled like pork! hahahahahhahahaha... ohhhh my I love myself 'cause me soooo funny (being haaat doesn't hurt either ;p)