Holy crap again

Oct 24, 2005 23:48

Wow, I have really been neglecting updates! guess I'll have to start posting regularly sometime...
Anyways, last weekend I went to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh with my dad, to check out their Game Art and Design program, and It looks like I really want to try my hardest to go there, but I have so much I'm going to have to do before I get there. I'm up to the challenge though. The place seems really nice, I like the whole atmosphere and feel of it. I left friday morning around 11:00, and it took us about 6 hours to get there, where we had dinner with Bruce, one of my dad's apprentices from a long time ago (Dad is a farrier, he shoes horses), and spent the night at his place. He lives about 15 minutes away from Pittsburgh. If I do end up going there, it will be nice to have someone near there that I know. The next morning, we went to breakfast with Bruce and made our way to the Institute. To get where we needed to go, we had to cross a river right outside the downtown area of the city, and we wanted to cross the one that would bring us closest to the institute, so we followed the sign that pointed towards that particular bridge. Somehow, we missed the bridge, and by some random chance, there happened to be a football game that day, and we got stuck in the traffic for that game, even got held up by a parade. We misjudged how big the city is, it's actually quite small, so we could've just taken any one of the bridges and found our way to the Institute. We finally got out of traffic, and found our way there at about 11:30, missing the 11:00 tour, so we had to wait till the next one, at 1:00. Other than that bit of lateness, everything went well, and I was very impressed with the Institute.
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