taiwan ✿ application @ riftedguilds

Nov 17, 2011 04:27

=== Player Information ===
Name/Nick: Yana
Journal: konbini
Method of Contact: plurk | konbini, aim | cat puns
Current Characters: N/A

=== Character Information ===
Name: Taiwan
Gender: Female
Age: almost 400, but looks 16-17
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Time period: present day

Pokemon: Cleffa
Distinguishing Characteristics: A long, springy haircurl. She often wears a pair of plum blossoms in her hair, so that will carry over as well.

irl history/timelines 1 2 3 (the last link is the most concise and comprehensive) | drama CD translation | comic appearances (incomplete) | tvtropes (ctrl+f taiwan)
Hetalia is a series with many characters, but Taiwan is one who hasn't been focused on so much, so some of this is me making headcanon by merging her culture and history with her character.


In between being at constant gunpoint and a crisis of identity and diplomacy, Taiwan has little time to sulk. When she has a thousand irons to pull out of the fire, you don't hear her whining. Winners don't whine. She can't show anyone any weaknesses, you know. She simply can't afford to be sad! This is why Taiwan has this easygoing, upbeat attitude about, well, everything. No matter what life throws at her, she'll just take it in stride. One thing at a time! Worrying too much makes you too stressed, too old. It's too troublesome. Anyway, why worry? She has no time for that! She still has to come out strong, even stronger. When she loses focus and loses hope, it'll be all over. Luck hasn't been on her side for some time, though, and you can't see it on her face, but she doesn't enjoy it in the least. In fact, she dislikes being surrounded by negativity. Anything that tries to pull her down will get a well-deserved roundhouse kick. She says it herself - she doesn't believe in bad fortunes. Everything will be okay, she knows it!

Taiwan is a sweet, cheerful girl who is always full of energy. Having been dragged around by the nation as fast as her legs could carry her to get to a photo studio, Vietnam can attest to that. She is the Taiwan has a very positive outlook on life: in one comic strip, she says, "The Taiwanese don't believe in bad fortunes!" Or a more accurate translation on my part: "The Taiwanese don't believe in bad results!" She looks at the brighter side of things even when they are turning out for the worse. When Japan gets a bad fortune himself, brimming with optimism, she tells Japan that, well, they can just forget about it, you know, and try again next time! Anything depressing rarely gets her down.

... Unless they're Asian dramas, those are the saddest. Although not as dramatic as Korea or neurotic as Japan or China, Taiwan can be emotionally impulsive and capricious. Taiwan is often quick to react when someone provokes her and her actions are often juvenile in doing so, but forgets whatever transpired just as fast afterwards. On the rare event that she does feel sad, it won't take too long before she jumps back up on her feet. Sometimes people wonder if her speedy recoveries do happen as fast as they seem. When constantly in a sticky situation, remaining optimistic and cheerful as usual without holding any grudges is just the less stressful thing to do. It's what gets her through her days.

The small island nation doesn't sweat about the little things and think of plans for the long haul - it comes with her carefree nature. This leads to occasional recklessness and clumsiness. Yeah, no, she is the epitome of grace. Also, pigs can fly. She's very feminine and girly, but a little rough around the edges and not exactly ladylike in manners. In the comics, she uses assertive and masculine sentence enders in Japanese, which give her speech an enthusiastic and energetic feel. So she's not the perfect bride she appears to be, but that's okay, she's painfully adorable. She uses onomatopoeia, contracts words to make them catchier - all in all, her speech and mannerisms are what most people call cute. Even when she uses that occasionally sharp tongue on them.

In spite of political issues and controversy, Taiwan is an easygoing girl. In the April Fool's 2011 strips, when someone attempts to blackmail her into wearing a dress with an embarrassing photo of herself, their plan is thwarted when she laughs it off and comments, "It's a well-taken photo!" She doesn't sweat about the small things and lives life one day at a time. That doesn't mean she's lazy, though. It's quite the contrary - she values hard work and ambition and is very earnest with everything she does. She's got to be - she has big dreams! And to reach her goals, she's got to put in a lot of effort and have a lot of patience! ... She still gets mad when the mail doesn't arrive in time.

Peace and quiet is something Taiwan appreciates very much, but during peacetime, things can get boring, you know? So she drags her friends around town have a little fun, goes to a new restaurant to pig out in and finds the strangest aspects in the most mundane things. Fun, in fact, gets her mind off most things. Taiwan is into fashion, music, gossip - she is very trendy and up to date with the latest fads and happenings, but this also means that she tends to get bored of things easily. That might possibly explain her tastes and brand of eccentricity... which share an uncanny resemblance to Japan's. She hates the monotony of everyday life and tries to make each day a little more special than the next. It's always fun being with Taiwan! Unless she's sitting at home watching a sappy Rainie Yang drama for the umpteeth time, crying her eyes out and asking for another tissue to blow her nose with when Show Luo's character tugs at her heartstrings. She loves living vicariously through stories and often sticks her nose in other people's business. No, she doesn't mean any harm by it. Yes, she has nothing else better to do.

But when Taiwan helps you, it's not out of boredom, nope. While it's true that there are benefits that come with giving and giving, she is generous when it comes to gifts. While she does have a lot to give, she also lives by the principle of giving back tenfold what was given to her. Even if the person has done only one small thing for her, she'll remember it. She'll keep it to heart and return the favor someday - it'll be even bigger and better! This nature of hers is also because she gives importance to harmonious relationships and she likes making people happy. This way, she'll get a lot of friends! It would help if no nation was stopping them from approaching her.

Because of this, there are times when Taiwan gets bouts of loneliness and insecurity. Though usually honest and frank, she hides those little feelings behind her smile. It doesn't mean that her cheerfulness is fake - it's only better to move on than dwell on things like that. Besides, a smile always looks better than a frown. She smiles, even at strangers. She is often shy with them, but that's natural. What doesn't come naturally to her is how she musters up the courage to speak to them. It's a little difficult, but she understands how important it is to have friends because of her political situation and is always willing to make more. She wishes she was more popular so that the whole ordeal would be a lot simpler.

She won't ever let those thought get her down, though. As easygoing as she may be, she's a strong-willed girl when it counts. It's to the point where she is stubborn to a fault - she asserts herself to the best of her abilities and haggles and will stop at nothing to get what she wants if she knows it's good for her. This gets her out of depressing situations! Unfortunately, when coupled with her childishness and temerity, it also gets her in a lot of trouble. She's capricious in her half-baked decisions, in other words, she doesn't think things through and often changes her mind. There are a few things she has her mind set on, though - being recognized by everyone as more than the little island off China's coast and being able to stand on her own without anyone's help.

=== Samples: ===
First Person:

Third Person:

❀application, game ✿ riftedguilds, ✿taiwan

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