I just posted
the list of books I've read so far this year as well as a
list of countries in a nice table with books I've read from those countries. Huzzah! That second list is probably not as complete as it could be, because so much of what I read is set in the US/the UK, so it would generally be pointless to list EVERYTHING I've read for these two. In general I tried to list books (if I'd read multiple for one country) that are representative of certain periods of that country's history, or that give an idea of the culture of that country.
I also changed my layout for a few reasons. 1) I was getting tired of my old one, plus this new one is more practical; 2) it feels like spring now, and spring means green; 3) I just like the color green! Also St. Patrick's Day and my birthday are coming up in less than a month...
Not only do I love the weather right now, but I also love how we had a snowstorm a few weeks back and how it was framed by such nice, spring-like weather as this. Seriously, wtf is this.
I'm just going to share another random thing I discovered recently. I don't actually know what this thing IS, but apparently it's derived from a
sixteenth-century woodcut that represents the Holy Roman Empire in some way. There's an updated version created for Wikipedia
over here, and it looks TOTALLY BADASS. Seriously, that eagle has two heads, there are flames that I assume come out of its mouths, and its eyes and claws are red. Plus, it has these weird boulder/storm-cloud looking things that are wearing crowns above its wings. Even the fact that the eagle's heads don't actually look like eagle's heads is awesome. It's just awesome!