More like mug-cakes! A few days ago
phrenk posted this link for a
cake in a mug, which idea I found intriguing, especially since I was in lab and hungry.
marmiesgurl15 tried it and didn't like it much, and
phrenk recommended frosting with the cake. I tried
an alternate recipe tonight, which uses more traditional ingredients for a chocolate cake (in approximately the same proportions as for a normal cake). The cooking process provided three minutes of entertainment for Anna and me, and resulted in a very spongy cake that tasted pretty good on its own, and much better with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. This latter observation is not surprising since ice cream fixes everything.
Anna and I were inspired by our wealth of mugs to host a cake-in-a-mug party in our apartment sometime this winter, maybe in February or so when everyone is starting to weary of the winter dragging on. We'd have frosting and sprinkles and ice cream, and people could decorate their own mini cakes! Maybe the cakes would turn out tastier if we used cake mixes? That way we could have more variety as to the cake flavors as well. The only drawback is that we'd have to take turns with the microwave, but we all passed preschool, right?