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Nov 14, 2011 00:20

Things are exciting for me at the moment. A lot is about to change and so there is massive opportunities
Massive opportunity for establishing a reputation, for meeting professionals and establijsing professional relationships, for gaining a specialization, etc. I just got a new job and starting in 3 weeks I hope.
My flatmate is also moving out. This is definately going to give me motivation to finally ge my butt onto gear about scua diving
My photography is also developing and starting to get exposure on flickr
Ps if you haven't seen them, flick.com/rubberducky_me
Also, starting a fine arts degree soon, getting a couple of pay rises, Christmas is soon and I'm hopefully buying a new car on Tuesday. Stokkkked!
Can't wait to get good at scuba diving. They advertise so many scuba holidays it'd be great for photography and travel and fun, especially if I get along with a few of the people
Also going to nz next year, early next year. Will give me a break, chance to re-evaluate, read some financial books and help me flex my photography muscles. Relax and unwind. See where I wanna be in life
I'm also gonna start boxing with the new job starts. Just boxing exercise. Will help me get cardio fit and my body into a lot of shape
Good for soccer.
Yeah and a new flatmate. Hope we get along together. Should be good.
Next thing I wanna do is pay off my credit card. Great for me to save a lot more money :p

So yeah. Change is nice

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