Gailen (tailkinker_one) and I have put our names in as candidates for Baron and Baroness of Shattered Crystal.
Greetings unto the Their Excellencies, Baron Philippe and Baroness Rowan, Lady Seneschal Khadagan Jocin and the Noble Populace of the Baron of Shattered Crystal from Lord Gailen Alric Ros and the Honorable Lady Caitriona Mac Dhonnachaidh.
Dear Friends,
As the Baron and Baroness have spoken, it is Their desire to return to Their own estates and see to Their lands, as is Their right. The responsibility of the Coronet is a heavy one, and the ensuing rest is well deserved. The Barony has flourished under Their leadership and should endeavor to continue in that vein. With that in mind, we would humbly offer ourselves up as joint candidates to sit the Thrones of Shattered Crystal as your next Baron and Baroness.
From Gailen:
I have been a part of the SCA since 1980. First involved in the Shire of Swordcliff, I have served as Knight’s Marshal, Minister of Science, and Regional Minister of Science. I‘m an archery marshal at large and currently serve the Barony and Region as Thrown Weapons Marshal. Most recently I served the Barony as Event Steward of Crystal Ball 23 (2006), preceded by stewarding lunch at the Middle Kingdom Heralds and Scribes Symposium (2005) and Martial Arts Collegium (2004). I served the Barony as Archery Champion and the region as Midlands Regional Thrown Weapons Champion. I’m a Companion of the Order of the Dragon’s Barb for archery and thrown weapons, a recipient of the Award of the Purple Fret for work as co-event steward of the Crown Tournament of David and Tangwystl, the Lapis Militatis for my dedication to excellence in the live weapon area and the Crystal Shard for behind the scenes work in service to the Barony. In addition to archery and thrown weapons, I have experience in armored combat, leatherworking, wood working, calligraphy, armoring, cooking, and know four whole dances.
I have a well developed ability to create consensus, working behind the scenes to find solutions to help fulfill the needs of disparate groups, and plan well in advance for contingencies. It’s been my pleasure to be the liaison between the new site at Dupo for Crystal Ball. As this is an area that I deal with in my modern occupation, it is a pleasure to bring those skills to the benefit of the Barony. I’ve been heavily involved with the reign of Their Excellencies Philippe and Rowan and have gained a great deal of insight into the roles and responsibilities of the Coronet. Traveling in support of the Coronet has led me to Gleann Ahbann and the Debatable Lands of Aethelmarc.
From Caitriona:
I’ve been involved in the SCA since 1986, starting in Baile na Scolairi, moved to Swordcliff in 1989 and we have lived in Shattered Crystal since 1998. I’ve served as Minister of Science for Swordcliff and have been Pursuivant of Shattered Crystal since 2003. During that time, I have brokered relations with a new Crystal Ball event site, brought a kingdom level event, the Middle Kingdom Heralds and Scribes Symposium, to the group as event steward and class coordinator, and successfully ran two event kitchens, at Crystal Ball 23 and the Martial Arts Collegium (2004). I’ve served in kitchens for several events, in Shattered Crystal, Swordcliff and Baile na Scolairi as well as other groups. I also reestablished the Argent Scriptorium, which received the Award of the Purple Fretty for their service to the Kingdom in the production of award scrolls. I retain Their Excellencies, Rowan and Philippe, traveling throughout the kingdom as well as to Pennsic and Gulf Wars in support of the Coronets. I have also traveled to the East, Meridies, Outlands, Calontir and this year, Caid in order to further my heraldic and scribal abilities. I’ve organized several fundraising opportunities for the Barony, such as gift wrapping events at bookstores and set up the group’s site at I participated heavily in the first contact we had with Governor French, where I supplied, along with several others in the group, much of the costuming for the play Henry II.
It is my honor to be named a Companion of the Order of the Evergreen, the Order of the Willow, recipient of the Award of the Purple Fret, Crystal Orb and Crystal Shard. Most of the recognition I have received has been related to scribal arts, leadership, and heraldry. I am the Premier Poet of Shattered Crystal. And, I know two dances.
I’m well organized and enjoy getting new people involved, especially in service oriented activities.
We are the heads of House Myrte, known by most as The Company of the Occupied Otter, a service oriented household in service to the Barony of Shattered Crystal and the Middle Kingdom. We are named by Philippe and Rowan as Beacons of Shattered Crystal, those individuals who bring word-fame to the Barony by participating in group and individual efforts that serve the Kingdom. It is our honor and duty to serve where serve we might, both the Crown of the Middle and the Coronet of Shattered Crystal to whom we owe fealty.
Our Philosophy
The role of the Coronet to the people of the Barony is to represent the Crown of the Middle Kingdom within that Barony. To bear the coronet is to be a servant of everyone in the barony. It is to facilitate the pageantry and opulence that make the Society a place outside of everyday life.
Additionally, it is the responsibility of the Coronet to help the Barony continue to grow and flourish.
What We Envision
Shattered Crystal has proven to be one of those groups that reaches out to both the SCA community and the modern community. We would like to see that involvement continue as much as possible. Sharing a love of history with community groups as well as our members will enrich all our experiences. We would also encourage the involvement of the southern half of the Midlands region. Direct invitations to other groups to participate with us during our monthly gatherings will allow growth of all those involved. Especially in these times of more expensive travel, knowing that a less distant gathering is available can make someone’s participation greater. That leads to greater interest in the opportunities for someone to learn a new skill, and would not only benefit those joining us for the day, but would greatly enrich our experience as well.
We would like to focus on the historical aspects, and encourage people to learn those crafts in which they are interested. Practice your crafts. Make the next step to become as authentic as you would wish. We would encourage everyone to try a new skill and to share their knowledge. To that end, we would host more frequent crafts displays, perhaps themed to a season or purpose.
While we will never become strictly authenticity focused, we will certainly encourage such. We would like to see the development or renewal of guilds that may have gone by the wayside.
While peaceful endeavors are certainly important, we must also provide for the defense of the lands of the Barony. With that, it is our plan to work for the creation of an engineering guild to provide artillery on the fields of war. Additionally, we would encourage those individuals who may be interested to take up more support roles, such as siege crew, archers, live weapon specialists, and most certainly as water bearers.
Please contact either of us if you have questions. Regardless of your choice, when the time comes, please return your poll. It is crucial to supply your council to the Royals so they make the most informed decision possible.
In Service to Barony and Kingdom,
Gailen and Caitriona