
May 07, 2015 01:57


There is a lot, but please read through them before you even consider joining us!

Going to make the following VERY clear with a No List! These are our most important plot rules to follow!

No Mpegs (male pregnancies)!

No band FC/characters (i.e. One Direction, Maroon 5, or Fall Out Boy, etc. members). We’re not doing this to be mean, of course not. It’s just the basic truth that not everyone wants to be involved in an RP with said individuals. Solo musician FCs (i.e. Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Sam Smith, and etc.) ARE allowed here.

No anime/animation FC/characters allowed. Same reasoning as stated in the previous rule.

No major plotline changes without the approval of the mod and other players the change will affect. This is set in stone, my friends.

General Rules

-Be mature and respectful. Follow the rules, and don’t assume that just because something isn’t listed here means it’s allowed.

- Keep your IC and OOC speak separate. This includes acting IC on OOC information.

- Keep the drama IC. Concerning IC drama: First, yes, you really CAN have too much of a good thing. This game will have plenty of drama. However, this isn’t a soap opera. If things are too dramatic and are causing others discomfort or inability to enjoy playing, you will be spoken to.

- NO OOC DRAMA! This will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Bashing, bullying, etc., will be grounds for immediate removal from the RPG. If you’re having problems with another player, please make mature efforts to resolve it between yourselves first. If you’re unable to do so then please contact the mod.

- NO godmodding without permission. Definition thanks to Urban Dictionary: “in essence, when someone’s character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries. An example is when they simply cannot be harmed by any and all means other RP-ers try.” This also falls under the asking approval for major plot change rule.

- IC Actions (ICA) Have IC Consequences (ICC).  If your character does something, expect a reaction. It may not be one you expected, but if it's via IC channels, then it’s expected. You are not allowed to refuse a reasonable ICC. Example: Tracey being socially outlawed for killing her husband is a reasonable reaction.

- We are PB/CFB (Player Body/Celebrity Face Credit), OC (Original Character), and AU (Alternate Universe) friendly. Want to use Jeremy Renner as the FC for your AU Dianna Agron’s husband? You can so do that here! Canon fandom characters will be considered on a case-by-case basis; please contact the mod for questions regarding these characters.

-We welcome all sexual orientations and gender identities. Your character can be its true self here.

-All sexual, triggering, and explicit content must be placed under a Cut with appropriate warnings. All content shared outside of a cut must be work and school safe. Cool? Awesome.

- This is an AU game. Real world law system procedures do not necessarily apply. This game does deal with rich, white collar individuals who often feel they’re above the law. Keep that in mind.

- All major plot twists must be ran by the mod. Ex: Pregnancies (even if you want your character to experience a pregnancy scare/false positive test, it must be ran by the mod first), death, accidents that lead to hospitalizations, etc., and any major plot altering event MUST have mod approval.

- Pregnancy(ies) is allowed, but comes with rules. See here:

- You need a LiveJournal account and a HipChat  account for each character. Both must be character specific and include the character’s name.

- Do not simply ignore other players when they message, comment, or IM you. This is frustrating for the other players and totally rude. Have the decency to tell someone that you’d rather not play with them.

- Players MUST be sure to add all active journals to each of their character LiveJournal accounts. There will be periodic checks to ensure this is being done in addition to regular checks after each round of adds. This is an absolute requirement. If a player persistently fails to do this, they may be asked to leave the game. Go here to learn the quickest way to mass add:

- Please make every effort to be as active as possible. Communities thrive when characters interact with those outside their immediate friends group, comment on journals and so on. Don’t just settle into cliques and stay there. Be adventurous and talk to someone new-it makes it so much more fun!

-Unexplained inactivity for an extended period of time is not acceptable. While we understand life gets crazy and things happen, if you don’t contact your mod after 7 Days of inactivity your character will automatically be put on Hiatus. IF YOU DO NOT CONTACT US WITHIN 7 DAYS AFTER YOUR CHARACTER HAS BEEN PLACED ON HIATUS AND YOU’VE BEEN CONTACTED, YOU’LL BE DEACTIVATED AND ASKED TO LEAVE THE GROUP. This is not to be cruel. This is done to ensure an active group. While you are completely free to post images, videos, song lyrics, memes, surveys/questionnaires, news blurbs, etc, these do not count toward the activity check. Updates must be of substance (IM for at least 4 sentences OR comment on someone’s post). Hiatuses are issued for 30 days at a time and require you to make a post (rather IC or OOC) to your character’s journal so other players are aware; if you cannot make a post, the mod will make a group-wide announcement on your behalf. If you do not need the full 30 days, you may return at any time. On an individual and case-by-case basis, extended hiatuses lasting 60-90 days can be issued as life can throw you curve balls. If you are placed on extended hiatus, you must remain in contact with the mod in case it turns out you will not be able return at all. For further inquiry about hiatuses, please contact the mod.

- Played characters must be 18 years old minimum.

- The Plumeria is a VERY exclusive and posh members-only resort. Membership is $200,000 per year and only those who enjoy the finer things in life need apply.

- There is surveillance equipment located around the outside and main areas. Restrooms, guest rooms/interior of cottages, and The Elephant Room DO NOT have cameras. Assume all other areas have surveillance.

- Weekly there will be an in-game event held; games, parties, luaus, movie nights, dances, etc. as if the characters were at a real resort. NOTE: No one will be mandated to participate, but are welcome.

-As moderator, I reserve the right to change and or add to this list of rules accordingly. In the event of a change, all players will be notified. Please include the word aloha in the designated spot on your application, please. If I do not see it, your application will be rejected.

- Have fun! That’s what we’re all here for, right?

!rules, !2015, !public

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