KinKi Kids Party 2017.07.16 (20th Ann. Event) Repo Part 2

Jul 22, 2017 18:00

Part i here

They bring out the next guests. One person comes on stage: It's MASSU!!!!!! (from NEWS). Koichi shouts his name, "Ahh MASSU!!" We're clapping and screaming like crazy. Massu greets us and congratulates KK on the 20th anniversary. He tells us that the first concert he did as a junior was at Tokyo Dome; he was dancing on the lower level in ( Read more... )


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looveholix July 27 2017, 01:39:30 UTC
Thank you so much for sharing with us such detailed report! Reading through your report made me feel as if I reliving the memory myself :D

Anyway so much emotions! Oh man my ovaries exploded several times reading through the report XD

To think we could live to see Koichi wearing his heart on his sleeve. He can be such a reticent person, so I was pleasantly surprised to hear him sincerely expressing his heartfelt gratitude to the fans and fellow johnnys, band mates and staffs, and also expressing his genuine worry and concern for Tsuyoshi, and that too during such a big event. I find that very touching.

To me, the dynamics between them futari are a lot like a long married couple. They just have this silent mutual understanding going on between them. I mean they were able to sync their singing together despite the time-lag and not being beside each other. I may be exaggerating, but the bond between them is ハンパないわ.

You know how people say 'blessings in disguise', and I truly believe that this toppatsu incident has so much blessings in disguise despite some problems it caused. We were able to have a Kinki Kids concert that was so much more intimate, having all those awesome Johnnys members rally to give their support to their Senpai, and most importantly we get to witness the strong bond between the Futari that we never get to truly see before.

You may had to pay three times the normal airfare, but you definitely got your worth back so so much more. To be able to witness other Johnnys make a surprise appearance in the concert you attended (oh my god you got to see Takki & 2/5 of Arashi!! I'm so jelly!), it must have been such a real 贅沢!!

I seriously need them to release the DVD for this concert already! I was squealing the entire time I was reading this, and even after that I can't helping giggling by myself when I recalled back your report.

I pray that Tsuyoshi will get better soon, and I hope that his illness is just temporary, and may they be happy and healthy and may their career be more successful than ever!


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