i am amaz'd and know not what to say

Sep 17, 2007 15:38

The other night, I was walking to the subway in Chinatown, and a man crossed the street and matched my pace. Here we go, I thought, and braced myself for whatever comment was to come.

Women, you know what I mean: Hey mami, Hey baby whatchoo doing, Hey beautiful why don't you smile for me, Baby you got leggggs. The kind of comment that might make you feel like a piece of meat, or a little appreciated, or vaguely upset, or vaguely excited, or whatever-it depends on the time of day, the surroundings, the speaker, the mood.

In any case, it happens enough that you know the signs, you know when to brace for it. So I do.

Walk. Walk. Walk. And then:

“You’re really beautiful, miss, but I’m just too tired. Have a good night.” He nodded at me courteously, quickened his pace, and disappeared.


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