I have ultimately decided to depart from livejournal. Hopefully those who need to know more details caught my last entry on ladydisgrace before it was deleted but basically I've decided to move on to a new, more public venue in hopes of being more accessible by my real life friends. Livejournal has always held a stigma for them, it's a "journal" so it's "private" but really I would like to have what I have here & that's an open forum for like minded people - but including the people I already know. Hopefully some of you will follow me over to my new blog as I will not be posting on livejournal anymore.
I will, however, be keeping this journal because a) it's old & contains many memories & b) I love my LJ friends & I want to keep up with YOU. There's also a number of great communities on here so I can't just leave the website. I just really like the new format for my writing & I think it will help spark me creatively in terms of my writing.
NEW BLOG I mentioned before that you might be able to add the feed to your LJ but you need to be a paid user to create a new feed for blogs. I am not, so I can't make it easier for you guys to come follow me on the new site. I will just have to hope that you will. If not, I will still be around to comment & read.
It's been fun!