Off your ass, Plumey!

Jun 27, 2010 15:54

Man I have a tendency to forget to update. Well, If I type stuff here, maybe I'll be more likely to do what I write! I will be productive this summer break!

- I have a roleplay that keeps my creative juices flowing. Use excess creative juice for drabbles and fics when P3P come.

- Despite breaking Sylvester the DS a month ago, I can borrow my mom's DSi and continue with my pokeymanz. Catch Ho-oh even though my strongest pokemon  is nothing short of bird feed against it. GET AND TRAIN AN AWESOME ROCK POKEMON, That'll be my key to victory! (I have my eyes set on Corsola, muahahaha).

- I beat P4 on beginner w/ True Ending (and a girl-crush on Izanami, wtf self) Try out my NG+ of Persona 4, despite my hate of that really long intro cut scene.

- Finish last chapter of Phantasy Star Portable. Yes self the dungeon is icky, the boss is freaky, and you spoiled yourself for the endings which bother you, but come on, you'll finally feel accomplished! Well, maybe I can collect weapons

-Try and stick to Shin Megami Tensei Imagine. I'm with a lulzy clan, and I get to play with my sister, which is awesome! Plus, I have a mini Jack Frost that loves me very much <3

-When doing none of the above, become a plant and fuel up on sunlight. I hate the outdoors when it's so damn humid, but biking is such and enjoyable hobby.
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