Remus/Tonks; HTGT recs

Jan 18, 2006 20:01

And another month of Fic Sniffers duty for immeritus begins. This month I've chosen to find Tonks-centric fics. Now, I know some in the fandom aren't too fond of Nymphadora these days *coughmetoocough* especially after JK saddled our dear Remus with her and presented a rather weepy Tonks which enfuriated so many. Well, in a quest to figure out how on earth that ship got sailing (since I didn't see it coming *at all* in HBP), I've set out to see if I can't explore what makes this character tick and why she's now Remus' main squeeze. So, all you woebegone Puppyshippers out there, want to come along for the ride? .... Stop making faces at me! Sit down and read! ;) This round I've found some HTGT fics.

Title: Between the Bars
Author: pandoraculpa
Genre: General, Romance
Character(s): Remus, Tonks (pre-RL/NT)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: OotP
Summary: Tonks takes her turn at standing vigil during Remus' monthly transformation...only she has no intention of following the rules. This is what happens the first time anyone other than the Marauders cares enough to spend a full moon night with the werewolf.
Why I am recommending this fic: The characterization is pretty good here. This is the first story in an arc Pandora Culpa's written so you get to see the beginnings of how Remus and Tonks start settling into their friendship before anything happens. And if you're like me and felt a bit cheated by not seeing this develop, this fic stands as a nice introduction.
Excerpt: "Every time that a new person takes this duty, questions inevitably arise. I should have expected that you of all people would cut right to the heart of the matter." A hot flush rose in her cheeks, but he didn't seem angry, only resigned. Starting to feel that she should have shut her gob and let Arthur stand watch as scheduled, she concentrated intensely on the scuffed toes of her boots. Maybe, if I imagine very hard, I can pretend I'm not some nosy, babbling idiot.

"It's alright, Tonks," he said gently, correctly interpreting her silence. "It's normal to be curious about someone in my condition; I only meant to imply that you have an almost childlike ability to strike right at the root of issues most people try to skirt or clutter with euphemisms."

Feeling somewhat better, Tonks edged back over to the old couch and sat gingerly on the edge. "I'm not that young," she muttered halfheartedly, but relief washed over her that she had not performed her usual stiletto-heeled dance on someone's sensibilities. "So," she began hesitantly, "What is the worst part of being a werewolf?"

He glanced over at a small door she hadn't noticed before. "The worst part is the loneliness," he said simply. "A werewolf can't help being what it is, a vicious predator, although only once a month. But it...I...have to live with the constant alienation. Especially at the full moon." His expression was so melancholy that any thoughts Tonks may have had about changing her plan vanished.

Link to story:

Title: Ink: An Epistolary Romance
Author: thunderemerald, a.k.a. Pirate Perian
Genre: Romance
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Remus, Tonks, Sirius; Remus/Tonks
Rating: PG-13 to R
Warnings: Implied and then not implied sex; 9 chapters.
Spoilers: OotP
Summary: In which Tonks writes Remus an innocent letter, Remus sends an innocent reply, one thing leads to another, and things don't stay innocent for very long.
Why I am recommending this fic: I really like the characterization in this fic. And the fact that Remus' and Tonks' friendship evolves into something more through letters makes my inner-nineteenth century nerd squee with delight. Told from Tonks' point of view, I particularly like how Pirate Perian embraces Tonks' strength, clumsiness, and independence and shows how she struggles to allow herself to become vulnerable by exposing her insecurities to Remus through her growing trust and love. It's something that women don't like to admit--that love makes you vulnerable while strengthening you at the same time. And Tonks here is strong and sweet, which may sound oxymoronic but reflects a reality that's poignant. This fic was finished some months before the publication of HBP but it gives a foundation for what could have happened between Remus and Tonks so that, by the time HBP came out, we have some understanding as to how much in love they were, and why their separation left them both mopey and forlorn in HBP.
Excerpt: “Unless,” he said slowly, “you already have someone in mind?” He watched intently for her reaction, and she dropped her gaze as she nodded. “Who is it?”

“Um,” she said awkwardly, wrapping both hands around her coffee cup for balance or support or just something to keep them from shaking. “Do you promise not to laugh?”

They were stupid words to say, she knew, but she had to make sure. He might not love her back, but he had better understand that this was a serious matter for her.

“I promise,” he said, and she heard no trace of irony or sarcasm in his words.

She said, “You.”

There was a silence. Tonks didn’t dare look up.

“I thought it might be,” he said after a moment. And then, “I’m glad I was right.”

“You are?” said Tonks quickly, but at the same moment the kitchen door swung open and Sirius strode in. “Tea, Remus?” he asked brightly, effectively cutting her off.

Tonks felt as though she could strangle her cousin with her bare hands, but Remus - no, Remus was as calm as ever. “I’ve only made coffee,” he replied pleasantly. “If you want tea, you’ll have to make it yourself.”

“Right then,” said Sirius, and busied himself doing just that. Tonks heard him mutter something involving the words “coffee” and “idiots,” but that was the last thing she was concerned about.

When Remus looked back at her, his expression had changed. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was, but somehow he was less focused on her, even as he looked her in the eye. It was as if nothing at all had happened before Sirius had walked in.

“Will you be here later?” he said, and even his voice was different.

“Are you leaving?” she asked in reply, unable to hide the incredulity in her voice.

“I have to,” he said. “I’m sorry. But will you be here later?”

She nodded, dumbstruck, and he said, “Good.”

Before he left, he kissed her forehead.

She could have screamed.

Links to story:
Ch. 1:
Ch. 2:
Ch. 3:
Ch. 4:
Ch. 5:
Ch. 6:
Ch. 7:
Ch. 8:
Ch. 9:

Happy reading!

immeritus, other lj, fic recs

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