I wasn't going to post today

Sep 13, 2008 22:28

but I have to share these with you. Op-Eds from today's NY Times (my flist has been posting from other sources today, so I'm trying not to repeat links).

On Gov. Palin's interview with Charlie Gibson:
  • She's Not Ready
  • Gov. Palin's Worldview

    On our changing candidates:
    The Year of the Cloned Candidates

    And in case no one's noticed, Bolivia and Venezuela expelled US ambassadors this week, the Navy's 4th Fleet is back in Latin American waters after decades of no presence, and now the U.S. Says It Will Oust Venezuela Envoy, and Names 2 Officials as Rebel Backers. Lest you think this is all the Dub's fault, I'm going on record as saying Hugo Chavez is a nutter. He's stirring up trouble in South America and is saying he's planning military exercises with the Russian navy in Caribbean waters. And you know what? Other South American leaders are listening to him. O_O On the plus side, this might get the US bases in Puerto Rico reopened after the Dub closed them after the Vieques protests (not the brightest move by the PR gov't considering how much of their local economy depended on those bases; the island's been struggling ever since). I could go on about Lat Amer politics, but I'm sure you'd rather not hear about that today.
  • politics

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