So I know you're (almost) all suffering from Exams - That paralysing and debilitating disease.

May 17, 2009 18:10

So I thought I'd be a nice plum and write you something to cheer you up.

Please prompt me in the comments with the following -

Fandom, Pairing (optional), Genre (optional) and Prompt.

All prompts, if you please, to be delivered in the style of 'a is for-', 'b is for-'...etc. Get the idea? I want a whole alphabet eventually, so please keep plugging away.

Eg. SGA, McShep, fluff/humour, 'b is for buffalo'.
or Quantum Leap, Sam/Al, kid!fic, 'b is for balloon'.
or HP/Doctor Who, 'f is for floo powder'.
or Hitchhiker's Guide, kid's adventure story, 's is for smugglers'... You catch my drift I hope?

ETA: Meant to say before, but... This post is NOT f-locked for a reason. If you know soeone who is suffering from exams, or is having a shitty time and needs a fic to cheer them up, poke them in my direction and I'll do what I can for them! Also, if you aren't suffering from exams, but you want a fic anyway, go ahead and ask. The 'exams' thing is merely a thin excuse, made to get me to get off my lazy arse and do some writing.

If you're not sure I know the fandom of which you speak, give me a choice of a few, alternatively check my profile for a fairly comprehensive list of fandoms I at least know, even if I don't usually participate in the ficcing.

Ready? Steady? GO!

Prompt away!

plum x.

P.S. I'm planning an icon shift-about in the next few days, so If there's any of my icons you particularly like and think I shuld keep, or indeed, any icons that you particularly hate and think I should ditch, let me know. I've no idea if that'll make any difference to my descision of which I'm keeping and which I'm not, but I'd still like your opinions.

prompt me, dilemma!, headvoices, fic, beware: attempted creativity in progress, fandom's bitch, i come from the internets

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