Days 15, 16 and 17 Coming right up. The parental was of no use in the choosing department, so I've fished my books out again. If I'm up to it tomorrow, expect a large extract from a very very long poem, one that I love dearly, and hopefully, if I can find one, a link to the rest of it.
Day 15
Drunk - Carol Ann Duffy
Suddenly the rain is hilarious.
The moon wobbles in the dusk.
What a laugh. Unseen frogs
belch in the damp grass.
The strange perfumes of darkening trees.
Cheap red wine
and the whole world a mouth.
Give me a double, a kiss.
- Another Carol Ann Duffy poem. I probably shouldn't be re-using authors, but I like her, we did a load of her poems in school and again in college, so I've read a large quantity of her works, and I enjoy it. This is one of her shorter poems. I'm planning on posting up a much longer one of hers later this month. It makes me grin evilly.
Day 16 (Happy Birthday
nevaendinstorey. I love you lots, and this poem's for you because it makes no sense and nor do I!)
I Went to the Pictures Tomorrow - Playground Rhyme/Anon
I went to the pictures tomorrow
I took a front seat at the back,
I fell from the pit to the gallery
And broke a front bone in my back.
A lady she gave me some chocolate,
I ate it and gave it her back.
I phoned for a taxi and walked it,
And that's why I never came back.
- From my Book of Nonsense Verse. I shall have to scoot over to Em's at some point to scan in the brilliant Quentin Blake illustration, as well as the one for Jabberwocky - Day Eight, and Spike Milligan's illustrated Contagion - Day Five.
Day 17 (Today!)
Now we are Sick - Neil Gaiman and Stephen Jones
Dear Child, may our tales hereafter
Give you cause for happy laughter;
Let them tint your cheeks with joy
(Pink for girl, and blue for boy),
May they never make you quail
Shiver, quiver, or turn pale...
If our fancies, grues and gories,
Ever cause you needless worries
We are very very sorry -
But they're only fairy stories.
Dreams won't eat you, nor will mist,
Wicked witches don't exist,
Clowns are friendly, rabbits tame,
Dead don't walk, nor mutants maim...
This and more we do declaim,
(Just be careful all the same).
- Written as an intro to a collection of poetry by the editors. 'Now we are Sick' is actually a really good book of gross poems, and it's written for adults. You might think gross-out poetry would be the ideal thing to get kids interested (I'm thinking 'There's an Awful Lot of Weirdos in Our Neighbourhood' - Colin McNaughton) but this has pretty gruesome descriptions in it. Not one for the wee ones or the easily disgusted.
Anyway, I have work in the morning, so I'd best be off to sleepytimes. Evening all.
plum x.