...From Scans_daily - the InsaneJournal Edition. I bring you the crack.
Watchmen. The Saturday Morning Cartoon. Yes that is as cracky as it sounds.
Speaking of crack - My memes from the
last post are still wanting doing. Especially Meme One and Meme Two. I need to get some ideas, and those sorts of things usually get my writing, so please go do them? *puppyeyes*
In other news, I've been uploading icons like crazy to my ij, and I've decided in lieu of having anything interesting to do with it besides using it as an icon repository, I'm going to back up all of my lj stuff to it, have it as a mirror. This is just me being cautious you understand, not me suddenly admitting that I'm turning myself in to the lj-police for comitting crimes against the TOS... *shiftyeyes*
Just this moment
oz_the_bobble has given me what I'm thinking might be a terrific writing tool, so for anyone who doesn't know about it already, I'm passing it on.
Write or Die! is a website that prods you if you're not working hard enough, so if you need motivation to finish that fic/novel/NaNo/coursework you've been putting off, this looks to be gosh darn helpful! I'll give it a test run later, and let you know how it goes.
love and snuggles,
plum x.
P.S. I love Neil Gaiman and his Twitter...
(I would have cut off the right hand side, because it's the tweet that I'm referring to right now, but his Bio is just too ridiculous.)