I need a cheering up.

Dec 14, 2008 03:28

Okay people, I need help. I am not having a great time at the moment so I'm setting you lot a challenge. Please write me fic. Text fic. That means between 50 and 100 words. I don't really care what fandom, except that I'm really hung up on NCIS at the moment, but honestly, anything is fine.

I might write a couple of things for you guys too, so if you want to do an exchange that's cool.

I'm gonna give you a few examples that have been immortalised over the past year by dint of Oz sending me awesome stuff when I need it. I've still got all of her text fic on my phone. So now i'm going to share it with you. I told her I was doing this, so it should be okay, but tbh, she knows where I live in three different parts of the country. She could (and would) kill me if I pissed her off.

So without further ado -

NCIS - Abby/Ducky friendfic was asked for.
Abby was sulking, lip out in a pout, arms folded across her chest. It took Ducky two cups of Caf-Pow and several hugs to find out that Tony had hidden her hippo. It was for that reason that Tony later found a pickled eyeball in his desk.

Whoniverse meets HSM. - Unprompted.
The Doctor still wasn't sure about this. There was a hat resting on a lever, and there seemed to be a lot more... sparkles around the place. But then Ryan stuck his head back into the TARDIS and smirked. There were benefits of course. Ryan did have a tendency to scheme, and he was flexible in all things.

Whoniverse - Turlough/Five pr0n
Turlough's always thought of cricket as a waste of time. It takes so long and uses so much energy that it hardly seems worth learning the rules. But the way the Doctor traces words of overs and byes into his skin, licking silly mid on on his chest, makes Turlough glad that monkeys were taught how to catch.

Stargate Atlantis - Rodney/Radek
Carson's always admired Radek. He himself had reached an understanding with Rodney back in Antarctica - if Rodney didn't insult him, he wouldn't find reasons for injections and prostate exams. Radek though - Radek takes the constant assault with a roll of his eyes and some muttered Czech. Still, Carson thinks, watching them in an embrace in the middle of the lab, maybe Radek's found his own way of understanding Rodney.

Sadly I have no record of the textfics I've sent her, but hopefully she'll contribute them in a post.

Just for the record, the above small sprinkles of madness and glory do NOT belong to me. In ANY way. Except for the way that they were written for me *grin*. oz_the_bobble wrote them, and the characters are all owned by someone in tv-land who gets paid a hell of a lot more than either of us.

I love you guys, and I need you to fic me some love. If you want to post something longer go for it, I just figured textfic size was easier to squish into a comment. And quicker to write, but if one of the teeny-fic gives you an idea I'm sure that if you want to write an epic no one's going to stop you.

Writing from the sofa,

plum x.

P.S. Anyone trying to contact my mobile - Ring don't text, I've got no credit and I can't reply. I haven't even got enough money to call my answer machine.
P.P.S. If you've got a textfic I sent you that you'd like to post, please go ahead. I can't remember a lot of things though, so if I wrote it please let me know!

i suck, poorly, hugs, depressive wanky bollocks, fic, boredom

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